Transfer failed?

Beginner in all aspects here. Downloaded app, did all keys and verifications. Got to the transfer funds part. I copied my Valora account number, went to coinbase and put it in to transfer celo to Valora. Coinbase shows the transaction as a success. It’s been 2 hours and still no funds in the account.

Device Information

OS: [ Android]
Device: Motorola Supra
App Version: 1.92

Not getting any response here, are there other channels for help? I do not have facebook, but willing to make an account to fix this.

I’m still not sure what went wrong. Hope I didn’t lose my CELO. I will see if coinbase can help. I have the transaction details from CELO showing the correct address.

This sounded cool. I’m in a foreign country and don’t have local currency. Sure hope I can get funded and start using this as intended.

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Hey @bineno, could you go to and search your address? If all went as expected, the “Balance” will be > 0, and at least one transaction will be in the “Transactions” section. If you don’t see a balance or any transactions, then either the funds were sent to a different address, or Coinbase had an issue on their side. Feel free to DM me the transaction details and your Valora address and I may be able to help figure out what likely happened

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Thanks trevor, I searched my address at and it shows the transaction and balance correctly. At least it’s there, it’s just not coming up on the Valora app.

I can’t seem to find how to DM you the transaction link, maybe I’m restricted as a new forum user.

Cool, I just sent you a DM

Good day. Also faced the same problem. Transferred CELO coins from Binance to Coinlist wallet. The coins were sent quickly. But they never came to my wallet. In the history of the transaction at, you can see that the coins were delivered and immediately transferred to a different address. But I didn’t translate anything. It’s been 5 days already. Coinlist support never responded. What can be done in such a situation?

Hey @Redak, turns out only Celo Dollar (and not CELO) was showing up on the left hand menu. The fix was to go to the CELO page, which for bineno then showed the correct CELO balance on the page and on the left hand menu. Let me know if this is your issue as well, if not feel free to DM me. I’ve relayed the bug to the Valora team :slight_smile:

Thanks Trevor. But I have a different problem. I have CELO tokens (Not CELO Dollar). And here the problem is not in displaying the balance, but in the absence of coins on it. I found another person with the same problem. He translated the coins, but they did not appear

Oh sorry I missed that you sent it to a Coinlist wallet. Apart from confirming the Coinlist address you have was the correct one you sent to, it sounds like Coinlist support is the only place you can get help. On our Discord ( there’s a Coinlist employee that you could also try pinging, “Justin | Coinlist” is his handle. If you want a second pair of eyes on confirm the transactions look good you can DM them to me

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Here is the link to the transaction. Transaction 0xd16a1597d49942ed5f69b96cad5d8a38876144687024aecad12024fd84047b12 - Celo Explorer
The coins were transferred to another wallet. those. the second operation is not mine

And I couldn’t find a user in the chat named Justin | Coinlist

Ah I see, it’s common for exchanges to generate a new address ( 0x4dbeb595eB40C0E6277495a2D279DdD86DC0b853 it seems in this case) that immediately forwards received tokens to another address (or addresses) where the token is then stored longer term. I’ve seen in the past so Coinlist probably uses that address as an intermediary and stores the CELO at a different address. Justin | CoinList#6650 is his handle, though he hasn’t been active in a few months on Discord. Unfortunately I think Coinlist support is your best bet

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Thank you Trevor, for your help.

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Trevor , i have the same issue with sending different currency from Valora acc to coinbase . I have check your link you send to other guys and it shows 0 on the transaction. What should i do to get money back? Obviously neither Valora neither Coinbase is helping out - saying the money have not reached them… please advise

Hey, if you want to DM me the transaction info I can take a look

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Hi @Tomtom - I’m sorry I missed this! Do you still need assistance with this transaction? If so, can you load Valora’s menu and tap Help > Contact for help? Please let them know you came from the forums, thank you!

Hi Trevor,
Thanks for your help first of all…

Transaction link below

Transaction id below


Please have a look if there is anything could be done.

Hi Lisa ,
Thanks for your reply.
I had conversations with support team before , they could not help me due to coinbase is not supporting the currency i have sent , so therefore my money is now at limbo.
Please explain, what this will mean to them if i say i came from the forums ?

Hi @Tomtom - thank you for letting me know! I see – that transfer you linked is cUSD going to Coinbase. Once the transaction is submitted to the blockchain it is irreversible so it is out of our hands. It is likely that the cUSD did arrive to Coinbase but as they don’t support the cUSD token, you can not access those funds.

We have added a new feature to Valora that will encourage senders to initiate a small test transaction before sending the full amount - that is specifically to help folks avoid this in the future.

In this particular case there is nothing that can be done. I am sorry that you are in this situation. In the future, we do recommend sending a small transaction (.01) to the receiving wallet to confirm receipt before sending a larger amount. This will ensure that the funds are going to an account that can support that token type and can be accessed by the recipient.

Yes , correct.

And I only been told it is possible to get back the money if coinbase will support the currency that i have send… i have asked but they never replied if they planning to do so …

Best regards

Tomas Majauskas


Yes, that is correct for this particular case. I am sorry that you have not heard back from Coinbase on this; they are the best path forward at this time. It’s frustrating to end up in this situation, I wish I had better news.