[Proposal] Celo Tribe (web3 social club for universities)

[Proposal] Follow-up Celo Tribe Club


Celo Tribe Club is a distinguished Web3 social club for universities, dedicated to empowering individuals through meticulously crafted course materials that offer a comprehensive understanding of the Celo blockchain. Our mission is to foster knowledge, innovation, and community engagement within the ecosystem, ushering in the next line of Celo builders and founders.


In recent months, Celo Tribe Club has achieved significant milestones conducting events in schools, establishing in 18 schools, empowered students with the autonomy to host club meetings within their school, partnered with school organisations / faculty, supported and won a departmental league game which attracted thousands of students, developed our website alongside, open our various community channels, lastly, introduced engaging video courses derived from our meticulously crafted course material
Below are links to all our reports and blog articles:


We are pleased to present our new initiative called: “The Cell”

The Cell:
The Celo Tribe Club’s ambassadorship program, known as ‘The Cell,’ offers students worldwide an opportunity to earn by educating their peers about Celo using our specially crafted course materials. These student ambassadors are recognised as ‘tribal leaders’ within the program.
Below is a yet to be published banner to activate the “Cell program”:

Here is a table document outlining the various incentives for students looking to hold events within their schools:

Tribe monthly curriculum Schedule
School activities :- Bi-weekly meetings will hold as they discuss weekly topics in the course material.
Competitions :- These will hold monthly or Bi-monthly depending on their school syllabus and school activities.
Events :- These will be organised monthly by students with catchy themes each month.
Reports :- Reports will be presented on monthly bases and bi-monthly on forum and medium


  • Establishment of Celo Tribe club in 13 additional schools
  • Growth on community channels across platforms
  • Creation of more video courses in languages: Spanish, French, & Portuguese
  • Partnership with more school faculties and governing organisations


Club activities for the next 6 months

List of schools within scope to reach:

Hawwal: Club lead In
Timi: Project Management - In
Benny: Community - In
Celo Tribe media team: Social

We request 90,000 CELO for the next six months (January - July 2024).

Designation Allocation ($Celo)
The Cell program 40%
School visitations / Logistics 35%
Social 13%
Team 12%

Socials plan:-

Description Duration cost ($)
2 posts a day(graphics) with 4 motion graphics a week & 2 event videos month 1000
Total 6 months 6,000

Funding Scheme:
(Bi - Annually)
New list of schools to be updated subsequently.

Multisig wallet


@hawwal - 0xB6Bb848A8E00b77698CAb1626C893dc8ddE4927c
@Benny - 0x997f965f4155Ef86EAD287b3DBBE86B12e8e0B21
@Timi - 0xe29B0cb7C18C83c6FAd21b4b4fAA14E31c0EF7eA


Before approving/voting: Fetch the on-chain proposal and verify that the multisig address and approval amount match the approval call submitted to chain:

celocli governance:show --proposalID 111 --node https://forno.celo.org

Expected output:

[ { “contract”: “GoldToken”, “function”: “approve”,
“args”: [

email: info@celotribe.com