Introducing the New Celo Communities Guild

We are excited to announce the launch of the New Celo Communities Guild :tada:, a dedicated initiative to enhance community engagement and security across Celo’s platforms. This initiative is focused on creating a safe :shield:, informative :books:, and engaging :star2: environment on Discord, Telegram, Reddit, and future channels.

We are thrilled to make this forum post to officially present the New Celo Communities Guild and announce that our Celo Communities Guild Proposal has been successfully included in the CeloPG H2 budget and approved for funding :partying_face:.

Since August 2021, the Celo Foundation has supported us with a dedicated team of moderators working across platforms like Discord, Telegram, and Reddit. Recognizing the need for continuous and enhanced moderation, in June we proposed to secure funding for the continuation and expansion of this program.

The community recognized the public good nature of the Celo Communities Guild, and we were granted funding inside the CeloPG H2 budget operational cost scope :raised_hands:.

Our initiative aims to reduce response times :stopwatch:, increase engagement :speech_balloon:, and maintain safety and quality within the community. We will track success through key performance indicators such as decreasing average response times, increasing monthly active engagement, and reducing incidents of code of conduct violations :no_entry_sign:.

The program will be implemented over six months :date: (Starting past July), with key activities including active moderation, regular community hangout calls :telephone_receiver:, and engagement using tools like :wrench:.

Our team will coordinate with the Celo Foundation and other ecosystem entities to amplify news :loudspeaker:, enforce community guidelines :scroll:, and maintain a welcoming environment :hugs:.

The initiative will be led by experienced community builders Goldo (@0xGoldo), 0xj4an (@juanjgiraldoc), and Anthony (@0xKnight). The positive response from the community has been encouraging and motivating :muscle:. Together, we are committed to fostering a vibrant, safe, and engaging Celo ecosystem :sparkling_heart:.

Stay tuned for updates as we enhance our community’s experience :rocket:. The Celo community support and participation are invaluable to us :pray:. Let’s continue building and thriving together! :hammer_and_wrench::earth_africa:


We are very excited to bring to life all our plans for the community during this H2 2024 :fire:

Stay tuned!


Hi everyone! :wave:

I’m so excited to see the launch of the New Celo Communities Guild. :tada: It’s been an amazing journey since 2022, working alongside such a dedicated and passionate team of moderators.

A huge shoutout to Goldo (@0xGoldo) for leading this initiative and and Anthony
(@Anthony) for supporting it, a big shoutout to the entire community for your continued support and encouragement. :raised_hands:

I’m really looking forward to seeing the impact of our efforts in reducing response times, increasing engagement, and maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. :rocket: Let’s keep building and thriving together! :earth_africa:

Thank you all for being a part of this journey. Your support means the world to us. Let’s make the Celo community stronger than ever! :muscle:

Cheers, :raised_hands:


We wholeheartedly support the New Celo Communities Guild initiative! This effort will significantly enhance community engagement and security across Celo’s platforms, fostering a safe, informative, and engaging environment for all members. We’re excited to see the positive impact it will bring to the Celo ecosystem. Let’s build and thrive together! :rocket::muscle::earth_africa:


Awesome! Celo is moving in the right direction. I believe this will spark engagement on the Discord server.


Amazing initiative, proyect and now reality: Celo Communities Guild! Go ahead!


This is an awesome thought, community is power.
With this proposal, Celo can achieve incredible things :raised_hands:


Lots of exciting things are coming soon. Can’t wait to unfold them. Huge shout-out to everyone and my colleagues @0xGoldo @0xj4an-work for the support.


This is great, maybe a more suitable name would be “community manager” !
Lets build together!


That’s great! Our protocol is looking forward to the increased vibrancy of the Celo ecosystem. Hopefully, we will receive more updates on how each protocol can help out with this as well!


Thank you for the support! :star2:

We’re thrilled to hear that your protocol is looking forward to the increased vibrancy within the Celo ecosystem. We are definitely exploring more ways to connect all the projects building within the Celo Ecosystem.

For now, we are relaunching this form for projects to apply for the Ecosystem Founder Role. This will allow you to post news and announcements in the #Ecosystem-Announcements Channel within the Ecosystem Category on Discord.

We plan to share more updates on how different protocols can get involved and contribute to this initiative. Stay tuned, and feel free to reach out if you have any ideas or ways you’d like to collaborate.

We’re all in this together! :muscle:


@joshimmortalx Let’s join this!! :fire:

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Hi, there seems to be an issue with the link whereby only people within the organisation may access the link.


Thanks for flagging the issue, please try again.

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hey hey, found this and thought it could be interesting for the communities guild to check out:

All the best:)


Thanks a lot for sharing this Monty!

We’ll definitely check it out

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