[Proposal] Celo India DAO

Thank you @Monish016 for putting up a proposal and @0xGoldo for a thoughtful response and feedback! I also echo these points and would like to suggest a different approach that has worked well in the past. I help lead community and grassroots programs at the Foundation and when we want to pilot a program we generally propose a 3 month pilot and budget. This allows us to mitigate risk and be more granular with reporting and transparency. It gives enough time to show results and it is easy to scale a program after a 3 month successful run. This will also pair great with the Seasons that we are implementing across all teams. A season is 3 months and I think it’s a great model to pitch what a regional DAO can accomplish in 1 season.

Overall, I’m a huge believer that the way we grow our ecosystem is through regional autonomous teams, but I would also encourage to think strategically and pitch a 3 month budget with clear milestones and reporting.