Proposal for Community Development in India : IndiaDAO Community Management

Namaste! Wishing you a joyous New Year filled with prosperity and possibilities. As we present this proposal, may the spirit of collaboration and innovation illuminate our path towards empowering communities through web3. :diya_lamp: :christmas_tree: :handshake:

Objective: Implement a comprehensive community development program focused on web3 & Celo’s education, meet-ups, and training to empower individuals in India.

Duration: 3 Months

Funding Request: $50,000

Reporting Success Metrics: Quarterly

Areas Of Focus:

Community Development:
The objective is to build and expand our local communities. This includes the translation of ecosystem news into local indian languages and educating the community on projects in the ecosystem and programs.

Creation and promotion of Celo India’s social media presence on all crypto-relevant platforms i.e Twitter/ Telegram/ Instagram, etc. Sharing the latest developments in the ecosystem and showcasing local and other new projects building on Celo to maximise exposure and visibility.

Collaborating with local CS personalities that have a strong voice in the industry to attract more users/developers to Celo. Encourage participation through online forums and social media.

Meetups/Celo Gather:
The objective is to help increase the adoption of Celo among crypto enthusiasts by organising regular meetups and events in collaboration with other local event organisers if needed.

This would include hosting in-person meetups on a regular basis. The meetups would be a great platform to network and collaborate with other crypto enthusiasts and exchange ideas and expertise. Celo would be able to showcase real-world applications of blockchain technology and invite the individuals to onboard and contribute.

Training Programs
Training programs play a crucial role in helping Indian students & developers, understand blockchain and plan a professional career around it. Some of the activities would involve:

  • Conducting workshops in colleges and universities, on blockchain fundamentals and practical usage of Celo ecosystem applications.
  • Develop localised educational materials and resources for broader distribution.

Funding Allocation (Honorarium Inclusive):

Activities - Allocation

Community Development - $15,000
Meetups/Celo Gather - $10,000
Training Programs - $17,000
Travel and Misc Expenses - $8,000
Total - $50,000

Honorarium: Equivalent $100 worth of CELO per Hour; expectation is min 5 to max 20 hours per month.


  • Month 1: Community establishment, social media rebuilding, branding, and initial meetups’ and planning.
  • Month 2: Roll-out of technical training programs and continuation of meetups.
  • Month 3: Intensify community engagement i.e., training and meet-ups in different locations.

Reporting and Evaluation:

  • Monthly progress reports detailing activities, expenses, and community engagement.
  • Post-program evaluation measuring the impact of training programs, social media and meetups.

DAO Member Structure:

  • Chitty Babu: Community, Training & Education
  • Shaun Joseph: Social Media and Business Development
  • Kundan Kumar: Program Coordination & Impact Reporting
  • Raghunandan: Technical Support & Development

We aim to create a sustainable impact by empowering individuals in India through web3 education and community building. The requested funds will be utilized efficiently to achieve the outlined objectives, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration to serve Celo community’s vision of prosperity for all.


Can’t wait to see many Indian people join in Celo Community. :raised_hands: :heart_eyes:


Thanks for the proposal, @Qaphqa! Let’s kick off Celo India in 2024 and make some real progress :rocket:

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Yes! Thanks for the push! There’s so much talent and so much potential. Lets’ go slowly and steady! Prosperity for all! :handshake:

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Yupp! This new year comes with energy! WAGMI!


Hello everyone, Taking into account the feedback received, we present a revised proposal below:

Funding Request - Celo India 2024
Authors: Chitty Babu, Kandasamy Rahunandan, Kundan, Shaun Joseph
Budget Request: $59,800 cUSD

Proposal Type: Funding Request | Regional DAO


This proposal seeks funding for the Celo India DAO for the period from February 2024 to June 2024, amounting to 59,800 cUSD. The primary objective is to create a comprehensive community development program focusing on web3, emphasizing Celo education, meet-ups, and training. The aim is to empower individuals in India and enhance user adoption through targeted initiatives organized under three key pillars: Training Programs, Meetups, and Community Development.

Proposal Details:

1. Training Programs:

  • Objective:
    Organize workshops, seminars, and webinars to raise awareness about Celo blockchain and its potential applications in India. The objective is to empower Indian students and developers by conducting impactful training programs that deepen their understanding of blockchain and equip them to build professional careers in this field, specifically focusing on the Celo ecosystem.
  • Activities:
    • Organizing workshops in colleges and universities to impart fundamental knowledge about blockchain and practical skills for utilizing Celo ecosystem applications.
    • Hosting virtual and in-person training programs tailored to different demographics, including students, entrepreneurs, and policymakers
    • Creating localized educational materials and resources to ensure broader accessibility and distribution of essential information and collaborating with experienced educators to ensure the quality and relevance of training content.
    • Providing resources and support for program logistics, marketing, and participant engagement.

2. Meetups:

  • Objective:
    Facilitate grassroots-level interactions and networking opportunities for Celo enthusiasts across various cities in India. The objective is to drive increased adoption of Celo among crypto enthusiasts by organizing consistent meetups and events.
  • Activities :
    • Host frequent, in-person meetups for networking and collaboration among crypto enthusiasts.
      • Highlight practical uses of blockchain and Celo during meetups.
      • Foster connections and collaboration within the crypto community during events
      • Collaborate with local organizers to broaden the impact of Celo meetups.
    • Sponsor mini blockchain events/hackathons and encourage hands-on exploration of Celo’s platform and ecosystem. Increase the presence of Celo in the roader Indian crypto ecosystem.
    • Establishing regional hubs and empowering community leaders to organize regular meetups independently.
    • Offering incentives and rewards for active participation and contribution to the Celo community.

3. Community Development:

  • Objective: Build a vibrant and inclusive community around Celo in India by providing educational resources, technical support, and governance participation opportunities.
  • Activities:
    • Developing educational content, tutorials, and documentation in local languages to lower entry barriers and foster widespread adoption.
    • Activate and promote Celo India’s social media presence across relevant platforms (Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, etc.).
      • Share the latest developments in the ecosystem and highlight local projects building on Celo for increased exposure and visibility.
      • Collaborate with influential personalities in the local crypto space to attract more users and developers to Celo.
    • Launch initiatives to encourage active community engagement in protocol governance and contributions to the evolution of the Celo ecosystem.
    • Establishing online forums, chat groups, and knowledge-sharing platforms to facilitate peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.
    • Launching initiatives to encourage community members to actively engage in protocol governance and contribute to the evolution of the Celo ecosystem.

Key performance indicators

By leveraging these diverse methods of implementation, the Celo India DAO can maximize its outreach efforts, foster inclusive participation, and accelerate the adoption of Celo’s technology across India’s diverse communities and institution success metrics after 6 months:

  • 900 Participants (150 active participants per month)
  • 200-300 downloads of Celo Wallet
  • 10-12 Education programs
  • 3 Meetup Events.
  • 1 Celo Meeting Hub
  • 2 Social activity with celo participation

Operations and Accounting

We want to continue to strive for operational excellence, support the coordination between various Celo Community Treasury-funded groups, and provide clear reporting and accounting.


Below is a breakdown of the Celo India DAO budget per category. A more detailed breakdown with estimation and lead per item can be found in this sheet.

Payment Terms

We propose to receive the budget in two Instalments: the Q1 budget at the start of the proposal and the Q2 budget at the end of March after submitting a Q1 progress report on the Celo Forum.

Item Q1 Q2 Total
Events & Community Development $10,000 $15,000 $25,000
Celo Meet Up Budget $3,300 $5,000 $8,300
Business Development and Investor Relationships $3,300 $5000 $8,300
Operations and Accounting $3,300 $5000 $8,300
Website and Socials $1,300 $2000 $3300
Software, Travel, and other Misc $2,600 $4,000 $6600
Total $23800 $36000 $59800

Any funds left on July 31st will be returned to the Celo Community Treasury.


The following four people will manage the Celo India DAO multi-sig and coordination of the resources. A wide range of proven community members will support the team to execute the project plan.

Chitty Babu – Community Lead, Training & Education
Shaun Joseph – Social Media Lead and Business Development
Kundan Kumar – Program Coordination & Impact Reporting
Kandasamy Raghunandan – Technical Support & Development

Twitter – Celo_India -
Telegram - IndiaDAO students community


Hey @Shaun, thanks for taking the time to write out this proposal.

Applying for Celo Public Goods Funding
You’re likely aware you can apply for Celo Public Goods funding under the Regional DAO strategy. We’ve just published a thread with more information here and created a Public Goods Funding Wiki to provide more guidelines. I propose adding [DRAFT] to the Title of your Forum Thread and updating that to [FINAL] when you believe you’ve incorporated feedback and would like to progress toward a vote.

Feedback on the proposal
The proposal seems too broad for me, as I’m unable to relate the budget line items to the three pillars specified. I’m also worried about the lack of clear KPIs for each pillar. I would propose narrowing down the focus (and reducing the proposal scope) to one or two pillars max. Maybe start with the Training Program with some meetups and community development for a smaller ask.



Hi @LuukDAO. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback on our proposal. Taking that into account along with the recent threads discussing DAO proposal structure, we present the revised [DRAFT] proposal as follows:

Celo India H1 2024| Regional DAO [DRAFT]
Funding Request - Celo India 2024
Authors: Chitty Babu, Shaun Joseph, Kandasamy Rahunandan, Kundan,
Budget Request: $46,000 cUSD
Proposal Type: CPG Funding Request | Regional DAO


This proposal seeks funding for the Celo India DAO for the period from Feb, 2024, to Jun, 2024, amounting to 46,000 cUSD. The primary objective is to create a comprehensive community development program focusing on Web3, emphasizing Celo education, meet-ups, and training. The aim is to empower individuals in India and enhance user adoption through targeted initiatives organized under Two key pillars: Training Programs & Community Meetups


Recognizing the transformative potential of blockchain technology, our team is driven by the desire to empower individuals across diverse demographics, including students, developers, and the general public. CELO’s vision of ‘Prosperity for all’ and its position as a ‘mobile first’ blockchain makes it a perfect fit for India: an emerging market where nearly everyone has a mobile phone but does not have access to financial aid and inclusivity.


Focus Area 1: Training Programs
Objective: Develop training programs aimed at increasing awareness of the Celo blockchain and its potential applications within India. The goal is to empower Indian students and developers through impactful training sessions that deepen their understanding of blockchain technology, with a specific emphasis on the Celo ecosystem.

  • Conducting educational workshops in colleges and universities to provide foundational knowledge about the Celo blockchain and practical skills for utilizing Celo ecosystem applications.
  • Hosting tailored, in-person training sessions for various demographics, including students, entrepreneurs, and policymakers.
  • Developing localized educational materials and resources to ensure widespread accessibility and distribution of crucial information, collaborating with experienced educators to ensure the quality and relevance of training content.
  • Offering resources and assistance for program logistics, marketing, and participant engagement.

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Organizing a minimum of 10 training programs at colleges/universities.
  • Ensuring each training program has at least 60-100 attendees.
  • Onboard students to Celo ecosystem through wallet downloads.
  • Providing guidance for participation in Celo Hackathons.
  • Encouraging increased participation from
  • Representing Celo in International/National Conferences.

Focus Area 2: Community Meetups

Objective: Facilitate grassroots-level interactions and networking opportunities for Celo enthusiasts across various cities in India. The objective is to drive increased adoption of Celo among crypto enthusiasts by organizing regular meetups and events.

  • Arrange regular, in-person meetups to facilitate networking and collaboration among crypto enthusiasts.
  • Emphasize the practical applications of blockchain and Celo during these gatherings.
  • Cultivate connections and encourage collaboration within the crypto community at these events.
  • Collaborate with local organizers to amplify the reach and impact of Celo meetups.
  • Establish regional hubs and empower community leaders to autonomously organize regular meetups.
  • Create, manage, and grow community groups/pages on socials to attract and retain supporters.

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Organize a minimum of 5 meetup events across diverse demographics in India.
  • Onboard at least 5 Celo regional leaders to manage and grow their regional hubs.
  • Ensure each meetup attracts at least 50 attendees. Highlight the practical uses of blockchain and Celo during each meetup.
  • Drive increased participation from India in Celo ecosystem projects.
  • Represent Celo in national/local blockchain events/meetups.
  • 500 Celo wallet activations.
  • 300 participants across the whole region
  • Increase the online visibility of Celo India (500-1000 new followers across socials)

Operations and Accounting

We want to continue to strive for operational excellence, support the coordination between various Celo Community Treasury-funded groups, and provide clear reporting and accounting.


Below is a breakdown of the Celo India DAO budget per category. A more detailed breakdown with estimation and lead per item can be found in this sheet.

Payment Terms

We propose to receive the budget in two Instalments: the Q1 budget at the start of the proposal and the Q2 budget at the end of March after submitting a Q1 progress report on the Celo Forum.

Item Q1 Q2 Total
Training programs & University Outreach $4,000 $12,000 $16,000
Celo Meet Up Budget $3,000 $9,000 $12,000
Operations, Accounting & Reporting $2,000 $6,000 $8,000
Social Media/ Website and Community Management $1,500 $4,500 $6,000
Software, Travel, and other Misc $1,000 $3,000 $4,000
Total $11,500 $34,500 $ 46,000

Any funds left on June 30th will be returned to the Celo Community Treasury.


The following people will manage the Celo India DAO and coordinate the resources and budget allocations. A wide range of proven community members will support the team to execute the project plan.

Name Role Multi-Sig
Chitty Babu Community Lead, Training & Education Yes
Kandasamy Raghunandan Technical Support & Development Yes
Shaun Joseph Social Media & Business Relations Yes
Kundan Kumar Program Coordination & Impact Reporting

Chitty Babu – A Celo Camp Batch 4 participant, serves as a dedicated Celo Ambassador for India, committed to fostering long-term growth and adoption of Celo’s transformative technology in the region.
Celo Projects:,

Kandasamy Raghunandan – A Celo Camp Batch 4 member, showcases expertise as a Celo Devpost Hackathon winner. Passionate about the Celo ecosystem, Rahunandan collaborates on various projects within the Celo community, driving innovation and progress.
Celo projects: Node Wallet,,

Shaun Joseph – Active supporter, served as a regional Ambassador creating lines of communication and engagement for Celo. Worked closely with Valora wallet & FiatConnect. Crypto On/Off ramps specialist. A passionate and active member of the Celo Ecosystem.
Celo Projects : SwapBittsa, AlphaFortress

Kundan KumarActive supporter and leader in Celo regional and grassroot communities. Spearheaded regional Celo community events. Passionate about ReFi and Climate Initiatives.

Twitter – Celo_India -
Telegram - IndiaDAO students community
Governance call -


GM Shaun, thanks for iterating on the proposal. I’ll test my Regional DAO review template on the proposal; given the involved team (and your previous commitments to Celo), region, and reduced risk due to the payment terms, I feel good about this proposal!


Hi all, I’ve completed an initial assessment of the Celo India Proposal. Based on my review (view the full review here), Celo India scores 18/24 points.

The region has a lot of potential, and the team has proven to be able to execute programs on the ground.


Greetings @Shaun and India Team for the scoring of your proposal. :raised_hands:

Regarding the new governance structure and following the guidelines provided for Celo Public Goods Funding in I would suggest you to update the tittle of this proposal or post a new forum thread with the label of [FINAL] and then we can move forward with the OnChain submission of the proposal.

Once feedback has been incorporated and the forum thread has been up for at least 7 days, signal that you are ready to move your proposal to the Voting stage and update the title of your proposal to include [FINAL]


Hi Juan, Thanks for the assessment and advise! We’ve completed the changes to the title and created a new forum thread with the [FINAL] label. We are ready to proceed with the OnChain submission of the proposal.

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Hey Luuk, Thank you for the review and advise. We are pleased that the proposal fits the criteria and are excited for the next steps. Thanks!

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Thank you for your valuable review Luuk.

Thank you for your time and suggestions Juan. As a team we are excited to go ahead in this journey with stewards and all the community members.