Gm Celo community!
My name is Marco and I’m the CEO at impactMarket – a human empowerment protocol.
I’d like to present to you today the Celo Europe DAO proposal.
Following the successes of both Celo Africa, India and LATAM DAOs, I got together with some other players in the European space to help increase Celo’s footprint in the old continent.
This proposal aims to kick-off a Celo Europe DAO very first season, which starts in May 2023 and wraps up in December 2023, where we will test some assumptions and, in case success is achieved, we will submit a follow-up proposal for a second season.
The first season plan for Celo Europe consists of:
- Testing different models to help Celo reach out to more web3 builders interested in working on the future of ReFi
- Establishing the baseline for DAO governance of the Celo Europe DAO
The key deliverables for the first season of Celo Europe DAO are the following:
Key Deliverables:
Deliver 10 Classes in France Universities
Become a main Sponsor of 2 Hackathons (ReFi) in Portugal and Spain
Deliver 15 ReFi Meetups in Spain and Portugal
3 Talent Houses to attract high potential builders (organised at the same time as the 2 Hackathons + 1 major event sponsored by Celo Europe DAO)
Celo House in Madrid (Spain)
Contribute to ReFi column on CoinDesk and/or other known crypto media (pan-European)
Opening space for suggestions from other European partners to be sponsored by the DAO
Attendance of 1K+ people on meetups/classes & upload recordings to Celo Europe DAO socials
10+ referred projects for Celo Camp
100K+ views on web3 media
Detailed budgeting can be found here. In a nutshell, we’re asking the Celo community for an initial DAO budget of: €398K.
If approved, the treasury multisig will be managed by the following members who will also be the Celo Europe DAO leaders:
- Joan de Ramón, Head of Growth at EthicHub
- Marco Barbosa, CEO at impactMarket
- Pedro Oliveira, CEO at Talent Protocol
In a more long-term approach, if the first season of Celo Europe DAO goes smoothly, we hope to expand the Celo Europe DAO function to become a full-blown Investment DAO.
Please consider this proposal and share with us your thoughts (you can join a discussion telegram group here), the Celo Europe DAO leadership team is very excited about increasing the Celo footprint in Europe.