[Proposal] Celo Tribe (web3 social club for universities)

Hi @hawwal,

Thanks for writing up this proposal and submitting it on-chain! I’ve been in contact with the governance approvers and it would be helpful if you made a few changes to the on-chain proposal:

  1. There are no verification instructions. It would be helpful if you could add a verification section that showed the expected output of celocli governance:show --proposalID=<PROPOSAL_ID>. This makes it easier for voters to confirm that the on-chain proposal matches the text. See this proposal for an example:
  1. The current proposal is requesting cUSD from the community fund, but the community fund holds only a tiny amount of cUSD. Can you updated it to request CELO instead?

  2. The proposal text differs from the on-chain proposal. Currently, the text requests 49,860 cUSD but the on-chain proposal is asking for 50,000 cUSD. I know this is a small difference, but it is helpful to have both the text and on-chain proposal match exactly.

  3. Finally, there is no mention of the multisig and signers in the proposal text. It would be helpful to add both the address, the signers, and the multisig threshold. Additionally, to show that each signer is a unique individual, it would be helpful if each signer could post in your forum thread their address. See the recent LATAM DAO proposal for an example of this:

I’m excited to see how the community votes for this proposal!