Celo Governance Call #39 | January 19th, 2024

The next Governance Call #39 is scheduled for January 19th, 2024.

To add topics to the agenda, post a comment below or visit the Github repo

Governance Call Information

Call Recording

Will be shared after the meeting


Governance Editors

Proposals for Discussion

Crowdsourced on the forum and Github prior to the meeting

Other Discussions and Q&A

Open discussion and questions

All are welcome to attend!
cc: Governance Working Group @Pinotio.com @willkraft @ebeth @CalicoKittencat @ericnakagawa


:exclamation:FYI I have added Celo Tribe Follow-Up Proposal to the agenda following the request of @hawwal in the GitHub Issue.

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@Alon would like to present the Celo Camp 2024 H1 proposal on the upcoming governance call ( January 19th).


I’m eager to present the proposed Celo Governance Guidelines and Public Goods Funding Strategy H1 2024 to the community during the next call!


Hi Luuk, Airu here, It appears that the hyperlink is not linked to the Celo governance guidelines. Could you maybe send the correct link? as I am eager to pass trough the guidelines. bless


Updated the link! You can also find it on the Celo Forum home screen. Input is very welcome!


:exclamation:FYI I have added Celo Camp 2024 H1 Proposal and Celo Governance Guidelines and Public Goods Funding Strategy H1 2024 to the agenda following the request of @upright and @LuukDAO in the GitHub Issue.


@ericnakagawa @juanjgiraldoc I would like to present Celo Ecosystem Liquidity Operation Guild (CELO-Guild) on the Jan 19, governance call.

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:exclamation:FYI I have added Celo Ecosystem Liquidity Operation Guild (CELO-Guild) to the agenda in the GitHub Issue following the request of @hhe :saluting_face:


hi @juanjgiraldoc is it okay to introduce [DRAFT] Celo Pacific Initiative during this Community call? mixed the date for 21st only to see its the 19th and we,ve been preparing for weeks

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Hello @mitchelle unfortunately the next Governance Call is fully packed. :package:
We are already expecting some big proposals to be presented and discussed and we have a limited time slot for the call :calling:

I will recommend you to post your request at the post of the next Governance Call when goes live. Also I would suggest you to have enough discussion :speech_balloon: and collect some feedback of the community on the forum before presenting in a Governance Call and the proposal you are requesting to present have just been posted and the call is scheduled for tomorrow.


awesome. thanks. i’ll look forward to the next call.

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