Celo Dapps over Apps [DRAFT]

Author: Abdulkareem Oyeneye

Aligned Public Goods Bucket: CPG Funding Request | Regional Dao

Funding request: $63,400 cUSD

Celo Dapps over Apps is a community that aims to onboard and educate traditional developers, tech enthusiasts and creative builders about web3 and the potentials of building with Celo’s blockchain infrastructure.

We are solving the problem of lack of visibility. 9 of 10 developers in Africa are unaware of Celo’s developer’s friendly infrastructure and toolkits.

Our Mission: Bridging the gap between traditional developers, tech enthusiasts, creative builders and Celo’s blockchain technology.

We will kickstart this program by:

  1. Establishing sub-communities in various institutions and regions in Nigeria and across Africa so as to expand our reach and onboard developers & creative builders in grass roots.

  2. Workshop & training on the usage and implementation of Celo’s established solutions, developers toolkits, its mobile first wallet and decentralized apps.

  3. Educate project founders, traditional developers and creative builders in Africa about the basics and in depth of Celo products, tools and how to join its mission.

  4. Reaching out to established businesses in Africa guiding them through the process of integrating Celo mobile first wallet to their businesses as a payment method.

  5. Build market awareness around Celo’s product through content creation and distribution.

  6. Work with greener planet activists, onboard them to utilize Celo blockchain in creating solutions for climate change.


  • In December 16, 2023 we organized the 3rd edition of the Biggest web3, art & cultural event. This event is one of the largest Celo blockchain themed event in across the globe. (Kindly note that event was without any grant from Celo)


  • We organized Dapps over Apps conference 1.0 one of the biggest web 3 conferences in Africa with over 500+ attendees consisting of blockchain & web 3 enthusiasts, traditional developers and creative builders.**


  • In August 2023, we introduced Celo to over 400+ attendees at our web 3 art & cultural event.


How do you know that people need your services?

  • Visibility: < 99.9% 85,000 developers in Nigeria have never heard about Celo’s developer friendly infrastructure and its crypto mobile wallet solutions.
  • Branding Celo as the messiah of the good user experience that other web 3 applications lack for mass onboarding.
  • 9 out of 10 gen z’s in Africa are web 3 enthusiasts but lack the knowledge needed to kickstart their web 3 journey.
  • Traditional developers are looking for ways to transition into web3. Our hackathon and incubation program will be a turning point for developers in Africa.
  • Businesses across Africa need reliable payment solutions. Celo’s Valora wallet will be integrated into businesses in Africa.
  • Potential unicorn start-ups in Africa fail most of the time because of lack of support. We are dedicated to providing support to brilliant minds building amazing projects utilizing Celo’s blockchain.
  • Greener planet activists need solutions in addressing Climate change problem.

Grant received will be channeled into:

  • Conferences and events: We will organize global conferences and monthly seminars in various cities and institutions in Africa. Kindly check out some of the videos and picture of some of the conferences we have hosted:
  • Workshop & Training for developers & non- developers on how to build with Celo. Kindly check out some of our technical workshops videos:
  • Organize startup pitch competition for project founders looking to build or integrate Celo’s infrastructure to their projects/start-ups. Kindly check out the one we hosted before
  • Organize hackathons and incubation programs focused on providing solutions to real life problems applicable to Africa and facing the world at large.
  • Guide project building on Celo to MVP, testnet and mainnet respectively.
  • Establish blockchain clubs in various institutions in Africa.
  • Create visibility via content creation and distribution.
  • Collaborate and consolidate efforts with various institutions and communities aligned with our goal.
  • Personal mentorship program with project founders, developers, tech enthusiasts and web3 newbies looking forward to building with Celo.
Particulars KPIs & Deliverables Payment terms Duration
Dapps over Apps Conference 2.0 - A 2-day global blockchain conference - Organize Celo largest web 3 conference in Africa with over 2,000+ attendees Ask $10,000 Venue: $1,000 3 Months
Create awareness for Celo’s blockchain technology to 40% of 85,000 developers in Nigeria Welfare packages for educators $1,000.
200 - 500 sign-ups to Celo’s mobile wallet. Refreshment - $2,500: For 1,000 guests.
Workshop session on how to utilize Dapps built on Celo. Remuneration for organizer - $2,000
Guide a minimum of 10 established projects in Nigeria on how to navigate their way to web3 and integrate Celo’'s blockchain technology to their projects and businesses. Videography & photography: $800
Educate 500 - 1,000 developers on how to build decentralized application on Celo Promotion: $700
Create awareness for Celo’s blockchain technology to 40% of 85,000 developers in Nigeria. Hackathon bounty: $1,000
200 - 500 sign-ups to Celo’s mobile wallet. Workers and volunteers - $700
Workshop session on how to utilize Dapps built on Celo. Host & souns $300
Guide a minimum of 10 established projects in Nigeria on how to navigate their way to web3 and integrate Celo’'s blockchain technology to their projects and businesses.
Expose developers to blockchain development with relatively new concepts and terms.
Hands on Dirt (Workshop & training) Workshop and training on how to build applications using Celo toolkits. Ask 10,400: $2,600 per month - Venue $400 3 months. Different cities every month.
Organize monthly workshops in various cities and universities in Nigeria/Africa. Educators $600
Train minimum of 30+ traditional developers on how to build with Celo per month. Projector $100
Train 100+ college students per month on web 3 education and how to interact with Dapps built on Celo Banners $150
Invite project founders, government stakeholders and developers to the workshops. Manual book $150
Provide bounties for participants of this workshop Bounty $500 - For best participants in the training.
Refreshment $400: For attendees of the workshop
Logistics $300
Hackathon & Incubation program - A 3 day program focused on building solutions and enhancing existing applications on Celo. Focused on building new solutions and enhancing existing applications on Celo blockchain. Ask: $15,000 3-6 months
Guide and train traditional developers in-person on how to build on Celo… Venue: $1,500 - $500 per day for 3 days.
Focus on building a climate neutral initiative with Celo to tackle climate change. Refreshment - $3,500 for 3 days
Focus on integrating Celo wallets to provide payment solution to businesses Promotion: $1,000
Build applications on Celo that will enhance user onboarding experience to web 3.0. Prize for winners: $5,000
Organize the most engaged hackathon in Africa courtesy Celo. Logistics & Welfare for Educators: $1,500
Welcome developers of all level to build using Celo smart contract toolkit Videography & Photography: $1,500
Organize 3 - 7 days hackathon and incubation program Merch & Celo Swag packs - $1,500: For attendees, participants, judges and workers.
Guide these projects to testnet, MVP and mainnet respectively. General logistics - $1,000
Invite successful project founders to mentor participants in this program. Backdrops & banner - $700
Program will be hybrid
Onchain certificate of participation will be issued to all participants
Content creation & distribution Web 3 education, blockchain development and other content will be created. Ask: $5,500 6 months
Weekly update about Celo will be highlighted Video creation
Bi-weekly articles about web 3 in relation to Celo ecosystem Bi-weekly articles
Video contents Sponsored ad
Animation explanation of crypto terms in relation to Celo Uploads and distribution on social platforms
Blockchain clubs & communities Establish sub communities across cities and institutions in Nigeria & Africa Ask: $2,400 for 5 schools - $12,000 6 months
Onboard students projects to Celo blockchain Venue: $250
Host seminar and meet-up in 5 school and cities. Welfare for educators & speakers: $350
Bounties for active web 3 participants in colleges and cities Transportation & accommodation: $1,000
Bounties for school ambassadors and active participants: $300
Refreshment: $500
Start-up pitch exhibition Support 5 - 10 start-ups look to integrate Celo to their product. Ask - $5,000: For 3-5 brilliant start-up utilizing Celo. 3-6 months
Onboard 2- 5 businesses to Celo
Onboard project from other chains to Celo.
Support Climate neutral initiatives utilizing Celo blockchain.
Operational Cost - Less than 10% of budget 4 Core team members will work for 20 hours per week Ask: $5,500 6 months

Abdulkareeem Oyeneye: A web 3 advocate with 37 months experience in blockchain network development and community building. He has worked with Near protocol and helped them onboard over 1,500+ active users and facilitated wallet and on chain transactions.

He founded a community; Nearxart, which focuses on onboarding creative to web 3 and charitable contributions via the use of blockchain technology and web 3 tools.

His passion for a decentralized world made him start the Dapps Over Apps movement that aims to onboard traditional developers and web 2 builder to build blockchain infrastructure.

Bimpe Wosilat: She is a climate change enthusiast with a degree in Agriculture, master’s in plant sciences; she is focused on farming and regenerative practices that helps promote the reduction of greenhouse gas and climate change emissions.

she has been involved in onboarding women into web 3. She has guided and trained women in different continent about web 3 education, blockchain technology and NFTs

Emmanuel Ugwu is procicient in web Scraping, Web Automation, Backend Development, DevOps. He also has experience in the following: Python (3 years+ experience), Typescript (3 months+ experience), Javascript (2 year+ experience) Frameworks: Django(2 years+ experience), Django Rest Framework (2 years+ experience), Selenium(6 months+ experience), Beautiful soup(6 months+ experience), FastAPI(1 year+ experience), React JS(1 year+ experience),Nodejs(1 year+ experience), NestJs( 3months+ experience). Databases: MongoDB(3 months+ experience), PostgreSQL(1 year+ experience), SQlite(2 years+ experience) Tools: Anaconda(2 years+ experience), Visual Studio Code(2 years+ experience)

In the 37th Celo governance call, we successfully discussed our unique approach to public good, learnt about how Dapps over Apps can immensely impact the Celo ecosystem and its distinction from Celo Africa Dao.


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Editing the aligned “Public good bucket” to best fit which is: Celo Grants

Aligned Public Goods Bucket: Celo grants

cc @LuukDAO @juanjgiraldoc @CPG_Stewards

Hi @Supercoolkay thank you for your proposal. However, I believe the Community Fund is not the right place for your request and that your changes of successfully passing this proposal are very low. Instead here are my three suggestions for you to advance your project.

  • Apply to Prezenti. They are focused on smaller grants
  • Engage with the Celo Africa DAO and explore opportunities to join their work group.
  • The Celo Public Goods work group is working on a Retroactive Funding Program (CeloRPGF) that should go public very soon. I also advice you to apply to that program once it is live.