Celo Africa H1 2024 | Regional DAO [FINAL]

Funding Request - Celo Africa H1 2024

Authors: Daniel Kimotho , Umar Sebyala , Chimezie Chuta , Cynthia Kamau

Budget Request: $248,300 cUSD

Proposal Type: CPG Funding Request | Regional DAO

We’re excited to share our Final proposal for Celo Africa H1 2024 in line with the Celo Public Goods Funding proposal, with all the incorporated feedback and improvements from the Draft proposal


The proposal aims to allocate funds to the Celo Africa DAO from February 1st to June 30th, 2024, amounting to $248,300 cUSD. The goal is to accelerate the adoption of Celo throughout the African continent, including plans for expansion into Ghana and South Africa. The proposal outlines three primary focus areas: the Incubator program, attracting Web 3 talent to develop on Celo, and enhancing market awareness and brand positioning. By strategically allocating funds to these specific focus areas, the proposal endeavors to fortify and propel the Celo ecosystem within the African region during the specified time period.


Following the success of Celo Africa DAO’s trial season 0, we recognize the significant value in extending its presence into 2024. This aims to leverage the established networks from season 0 and maintain a robust foothold in the African market.


Celo Africa DAO has actively worked over the past six months to foster the adoption of Celo in Africa. During this time, we’ve successfully organized workshops and engaged with developers, inspiring a wave of innovation. Our initial focus has been on enhancing the capabilities of developers and founders.

As we move forward, our next significant step involves a more profound commitment to supporting talented community members, including developers, researchers, designers, and enthusiasts, in bringing their ideas to life to address some of Africa’s most pressing challenges. While our efforts to build and expand the ecosystem and raise brand awareness will continue, we are now taking a significant stride forward by introducing an incubator program and expanding to Ghana and South Africa. This marks the essence of Proposal 2.0, where we delve deeper into the details of our vision.

Focus Area 1: Incubator Program in Conjunction with Celo Camp

Total Budget - $35,000

The DAO will run an incubator program focused on Web3 founders building on Celo. Successful founders from each cohort will be presented to Celo Camp for acceleration and investment. The Incubator Program for African Innovators is designed to support early-stage Web3 projects in Africa by providing vital resources(technical support), mentorship, and essential infrastructure. Our program empowers entrepreneurs to navigate the complex Web3 landscape and aims to stimulate user growth on minipay and transaction growth on Celo in Africa. The top 3 projects will receive some seed support to help bring their MVPs to completion.

Program Components:

  • Application and Selection Process
  • Mentorship, and Training.
  • Demo Days

Overview of the program

  • Weeks 1-4: Introduction, Project refinement, and Web3 fundamentals.
  • Weeks 5-8: Market research, Development and the MVP.
  • Weeks 9-12: Compliance, Pitch Creation, Demo Day, and Graduation.

Here is the breakdown of the budget

Item Total
Grants to top 3 projects (between $1-5k) $15,000
8 Level 1 developers to support projects we incubate(technical support to bring MVP to completion) $20,000

Success Metrics

  • 5+ successful projects that complete the incubator program for H1.
  • 100% of start-ups are able to pitch their business ideas to the accelerator program.
  • 50%+ acceptance rate to the Celo camp accelerator program.
  • 5+ projects with a functioning MVP for H1.

Focus Area 2: Attracting Web 3 talent to build for Celo

Total Budget- $ 63,000

We’re committed to nurturing emerging Web3 talent, and we’ll achieve this by expanding our CodeJams( technical workshops) and Hackathons initiatives. In addition, we’ll introduce mentorship programs. Our primary objective is to establish a vibrant Web3 talent pool, connecting skilled individuals with partners and projects. Through hackathons, we’ll promote real-world problem-solving and collaboration.

Budget Breakdown

Item (Feb-April) (May-June) Total
5 Venues for Hackathon per Quarter $3,000 $3,000 $6,000
Food(bitings during the hackathon) for the 5 countries we touch per Quarter $2,500 $2,500 $5,000
Swag( Stickers, Hoodies, T-shirts, Water bottles) covering Nigeria,Kenya,Uganda,Ghana and South Africa per Quarter $5,000 $5,000 $10,000
Prizes For Hackathon Winners $5,000 $5,000 $10,000
A total of 3 Developer Evangelists 1 for Kenya,Nigeria and Uganda. $9,000 $6,000 $15,000
Monthly Dev workshops (A total of 9 Dev meet- workshops per quarter) for the whole region $10,000 $7,000 $17,000

Total $63,000

Success Metrics:

  • 5+ monthly developer workshops across the countries we touch.
  • Developing a comprehensive Web3 Skills Curriculum.
  • 2 hackathons are organized for the H1 period.
  • 50+ developers signing up for the hackathon per quarter.
  • 10+ deployed apps.
  • 10+ submitted hackathon projects.
  • Reaching 50+ developers per country per quarter.

Focus Area 3: Market Awareness and Community Growth

Total Budget - $91,300

We’ve witnessed the growing influence of the Celo community across Africa, and we’re eager to extend our commitment to promote the adoption of Celo and MiniPay throughout the continent. We’ll build a strong local Celo community through content creation, social media engagement, and hosting local events and university meet-ups/college mixers.

Marketing & Events Budget:

Item (Feb-April) (May-June) Total
Local event sponsorships like (ATS ,Decentralized Intelligence Summit, Kenya Blockchain and Crypto Conference etc) $3,000 $12,000 $15,000
Content (writer, video content) to drive engagement $3,000 $2,000 $5,000
Part-time designer $900 $600 $1,800

Community Growth Budget:

Item (Feb-April) (May-June) Total
4 Community Managers across Ghana,Kenya,South Africa,Uganda and Nigeria to drive social engagement $12,000 $8,000 $20,000
A total of 5 College Leads 1 per country $15,000 $10,000 $25,000
1 Quarterly Community meet-up per country eg. Blockchain Happy hour in Kampala, Celo Local in Nairobi $6,000 $6,000 $12,000
3 College mixers/ meet-ups per quarter in Kenya,Nigeria,South Africa,Uganda and Ghana $7,300 $5,200 $12,500

Success Metrics:

  • Host 9+ Twitter Spaces monthly.
  • Achieve 20,000+ engagements and 250,000+ impressions through PR.
  • Sponsor 3+ Tech events in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and South Africa.
  • Bringing 50pc of college students to the build with Celo hackathon.
  • Organize 20+ college mixers to engage computer science majors for the entire H1 period
  • Attract 400+ participants to college mixers/university events.
  • 100+ followers on social media per month.


To ensure transparency and accountability which is the ethos that guides Web3 and DAOs to be more specific. We will have 4 multi-sig holders from all the three different countries we touch and an operations Manager to oversee the overall operations of the DAO.

  • Multi-Sig holder and Operations Lead payment ($37,500)
  • Tooling, legal and miscellaneous ($5,000 )
  • Buffer ($16,500)


This budget allocation has been created in case of a delay in governance, which may lead to the late deployment of funds necessary for Celo Africa DAO to run. It is set to cover two weeks of operations for the month of July and has been calculated as a third of the budget required for July.


Below is a breakdown of the Celo Africa budget per category. A more detailed breakdown with estimation and lead per item can be found in this worksheet.

Payment Terms

We propose to receive the budget in two installments: the Q1 budget at the start of the proposal and the Q2 budget at the end of April after submitting a Q1 progress report on the Celo Forum.

Focus Area Total Budget Q1 Total Budget Q2(May-June) Totals
Focus Area 1(Incubator program) $27,000 $8,000 $35,000
Focus Area 2(Dev talent) $34,500 $28,500 $63,000
Focus Area 3(Community growth) $47,500 $43,800 $91,300
Buffer (Incase of Delays) $0 $16,500 $16,500
Tooling and legal $2,500 $2,500 $5000
Multi-Sig $22,500 $15000 $37,500
Total $134,000 $114,300 $248,300

Any funds left on July 31st will be returned to the Celo Community Treasury

Team Structure & Mutli-Sig

Updates since S0:

Aliu Musa, Noah Baalessanvu, Khadeejah Amusat have stepped down as Multisig Signers and have been replaced by Daniel Kimotho, Umar Sebyala and Cynthia Kamau.

The following four people will manage the Celo Africa DAO multisig and coordination of the resources.

  1. Daniel Kimotho - Incubator Program Lead.
  2. Cynthia Kamau - Developer Relations Lead.
  3. Chimezie Chuta - Market Awareness
  4. Umar Sebyala - Community Growth


We’ve already established significant momentum in Africa, as evidenced by the vibrant developer community and passionate enthusiasts who have collaboratively championed the adoption of Web 3 and sparked impressive projects like Clixpesa, and Hurupay among many others. Once more, we seek your support to further strengthen our presence in the African continent, where the potential for Web 3 is exceptionally promising.


Celo Africa Ecosystem Reports

  1. Celo Africa DAO End Year Report
  2. Q3 Report Year 2023
  3. Q2 Report Year 2023

Celo Africa on Twitter Ecosystems

Celo Africa on Telegram Ecosystems


Greetings @CeloAfricaDAO and Africa Team for the scoring of your proposal. :raised_hands:

Please every one of you confirm your multisign addresses in a comment each one and I can move forward submitting this proposal OnChain.

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Community engagement

@therealstone Made some excellent points in the draft thread.

This is the same experience in South African universities. A good model to follow is one similar to Digital Ocean’s Hacktoberfest where goodies are incentivized for those making significant contributions to participating projects. In this case it would be participating Africa based Celo projects.

I would like to know which African projects has the Africa Regional DAO collaborated with directly or indirectly in the past. From what I can see, there is excessive attention towards building apps for Opera Minipay. I would like to see contributions towards other open source projects in the Celo ecosystem.

Why is the maximum being requested here when there is a possibility each project gets less than 5k?

Any reason why a student should be getting $1k a month? I believe this was also pointed out by Luuk in his report. Was any effort made to adjust this?

I feel there are too many meetups. I’d rather see this be converted into some sort of refi contributions or something similar.


  1. I’d like to know why the previous multisig and current proposed one require only 2/4 instead of 3/4 signers. Also, one of the signers is not the same as on the initial governance proposal. Was someone replaced?
  2. It looks like all funds were withdrawn to one of the signers (who is also a proposed signer on this proposal) and then distributed. Why was the multisig not used for distribution and swaps when it is fully capable of doing so? That would have made transparency much easier. Not to mention the security implications of not fully utilizing a multisig.
  3. Are there any final expenditure reports? (Similar to what you have included here but for the last iteration) I see that ~549k/550k have been withdrawn from the community fund. It would be good for voters to decide if the new budget makes sense based on the old one.

Addressing regional diversity

I would like to see a diverse set of signers from all over the continent so that there is a system of checks and balances. How are members of the proposed team selected? Is there a community vote in place like Stackoverflow?

I also see that the operations manager has not been selected yet. What is the selection criteria?

What is the breakdown on this? The detailed sheet does not address it.


Greetings @CeloAfricaDAO and Africa Team :raised_hands: I have already submitted your proposal OnChain, you can check it on Celo.Stake.id :saluting_face:

:bangbang: Please every one of you confirm your Multisign addresses in a comment each before deadline of the proposal Onchain. Otherwise proposal will be not approved by approvers :eyes:


Hi @0xj4an-work,

Here is the Multisignature (multisig) account wallet for financial operations:



Hello @CeloAfricaDAO Thanks for sharing the Multisign Address, but as I mentioned in a comment above, please each one of the signers should come and post their addresses they are using as signers in the Multisign.


Noted @0xj4an-work


Dan Kimotho


Umar Sebyala


Cynthia Kamau


Chimezie CHUTA: 0xe0669D9e0bcd2F073Aa83259efB93E7829725219


Hello @0xj4an-work,

Here are are the addresses of all our Multisigners.

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Congrats about the approved proposal :raised_hands:


Thank you @0xj4an-work and the entire community for the support in the passing of our proposal


The Africa DAO extends heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming support in voting for our proposal. We value the trust placed in us and pledge to uphold transparency, accountability, and inclusivity throughout implementation. We are super stoked for S1 of the Africa DAO. We thank the entire Community for the unwavering support, Together, we will continue to build a more inclusive, equitable, and accessible financial system where everyone prospers.

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