Celo Dapps Analytics & Visualization Platform

Hello Everyone!

We would like to introduce our project Dapplooker. We are a multi-chain analytics and visualization platform for blockchain Dapps. We have integrated Celo network on our platform, joining the likes of Ethereum and Polygon. This will allow users to easily analyze and visualize Celo network smart contract and subgraphs. You can create and share charts and dashboards with just few clicks.

Recent Achievements :
We are Celo wave IV grantee
Winner of Celo Make Crypto Mobile Hackathon

Features for Celo Dapp Developers

:bar_chart: Sync Celo network Dapps smart contracts or subgraph

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Use our Intuitive SQL editor to write queries. You can filter and do joins on smart contract data

:bar_chart: Use drag & drop dashboard builder to build dashboards

:frowning_man: Share charts and dashboard insights via URL

:spiral_notepad: Download transaction data to CSV and Excel

All of the above is just a few steps away:

Step-by-Step guide : https://dapplooker.notion.site/Celo-bf3ea91a5a104d21870fcfb955d11f6f
Browse Popular Celo Dapp Dashboards(Ubeswap, Moola, Knox Market) : https://dapplooker.com/category/celo?type=dashboard
Get started here : https://dapplooker.com/integration/celo
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/FWyNJtEyxa

Feel free to post any questions. Also, let us know any feature you would like to see on our project.


Hello Everyone,

Sharing below Celo network Dapps dashboard which are live on Dapplooker. Dashboards are build after close collaboration with respective Dapp owners.

Ubeswap: https://dapplooker.com/dapp/ubeswap-2
Moola Market: https://dapplooker.com/dapp/moola-v2-120062
Knox Market: https://dapplooker.com/dapp/knoxedge-market-120028

Click here for Celo network collection of charts and dashboards

Dapps data is available for community analytics. You can fork, edit and create new dashboards using the existing one.

Any Celo Dapp who would like to build their dashboard can get started here: Celo Integration Details

Book Demo: Calendly - DappLooker

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New Feature Alert:

Celo smart contract and subgraph data can be exported to CSV and Excel.

Here is step by step guide:
Export Smart Contract Data to CSV

Hope it’s helpful for the users.

cc: @jason @joshc @rene_celo

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Hey @dapplooker team :wave: This is really cool, thanks for sharing!

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Thanks @arthurgousset. Glad you liked it.

You can reach us on below medium for any questions or feedback.
Discord: https://dapplooker.com/community
Email: help@dapplooker.com
Calendly: https://calendly.com/dapplooker/schedule

Sharing sneak peek on latest Dapplooker product releases for Celo users:

  • Dashboards are a lot easier to build
    With the new upgrade you can now open a sidebar to search for and add as many charts as you like. Earlier charts could be added only one at a time.

  • Improved Reordering and Resizing
    With the new upgrade you can now open a sidebar to search for and add as many charts as you like. Earlier charts could be added only one at a time.

  • Results of a saved SQL queries can be used as a starting point for a new one. SQL can be used to create tables and that query can be saved as a question, the results of which other people can explore using the graphical query builder.

  • Improved Query Performance
    We have upgraded database and put in place query performance analysis tools. We’ve enhanced the way we report SQL errors in queries so we can diagnose them more easily. This uncovers slow and frequently used queries so we can figure out which queries need improvement caching (or rewriting).

We are constantly looking to improve based on feedbacks. Do let us know your thoughts on above user centric features :zap:

More Details: Latest Product Releases: Analytics & Dashboard Creation on Smart Contract Data is Simpler & Faster Now | by Dapplooker | Feb, 2022 | Medium

cc: @arthurgousset @mattk @jay @jason

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