S13 Planning - Developer Relations (Security, Founder, Community)

Hi Celo community, Eric here from Dev Rel Circle. This season we’ve updated our framework for how we categorize programs and initiatives.

The goal with this post is to provide transparency and insight to the work we’re doing at the Celo Foundation and ask our community for feedback on the plan and activities listed below.

If you want to learn more about Celo Foundation’s Season Planning, check out this forum post introducing the Season Planning Process.

Working Group Purpose

The Developer Relations (DevRel) team at Celo Foundation is focused on Attracting, Growing, and Retaining values-aligned developers. Our ultimate goal is to support all developers building on Celo.

In Season 13 we are focusing on 4 key objectives to Attract, Educate, Nurture, and Integrate developers. We accomplish this through a variety of programs and resources like hackathons, developer education, developer tooling, founder programs, and office hours.

Objective 1: ATTRACT new developers to Celo with developer programs

In Season 13 we plan to continue our work attracting new developers to the Celo ecosystem through Celo owned and Celo sponsored hackathons.

Attract Programs & Initiatives
ETHGlobal hackathons Create a cohesive IRL hackathon experience. Sponsoring ETHGlobal Tokyo April Anna
Event Sponsorships Web3 Ladies, UC Berkeley ZKP Hackathon, Celo Gather community events Anna
Build With Celo ( B_WC) A recurring online monthly hackathon experience. In S13, we’ll launch and execute items 1 and 2 of B_WC series. Build Tokenized Carbon dApps is currently live. Daniel
Developer email list We are working to improve developer communication to engage and support builders before, during, and after hackathons. Lyle+All

Objective 2: EDUCATE developers who are interested in becoming Celo builders

Educate Programs & Initiatives
Celo Academy An engaging, scaled, on-demand developer education program. Joe
Stackshift A cohort-based education experience for tech ambassadors. Ernest
Celo Sage (Content) Drive developer interest with community driven technical tutorials. Joe, Viral
Celo Spark Drive developer interest with technical video content Nestor
Docs Seeking to produce a world-class reference resource for developers. We aim to reduce the time to find reference information on site and increase visits to the site. Viral
Localization Our localization efforts target 2 strategic languages (Spanish, Portuguese) Nestor
Office hours Developers are invited every two weeks to bring their questions and receive help on Discord. Sign up to the community calendar to be alerted about the next session. Harpal

Objective 3: NURTURE Celo developers and community contributors

Nurture Programs & Initiatives
All-Core Devs Call Recurring call about CIPs and relevant engineering work. Nestor
Governance Supporting the governance process and supporting CGP editors, Mainnet approvers. Sign up to the Celo Signal calendar for latest updates. Eric
Forum and Discord Create a delightful online community experience. Anna, Daniel
Toast Launching a participation badges protocol Daniel, Viral,Harpal, Anna
Celo Signal A weekly no-frills update for the Developer, Governance participants, and Node + Validator community members. Sign up to the mailing list here. Eric, Lyle

Objective 4: INTEGRATE active developers, contributors and founders into a strong developer ecosystem

Integrate Programs & Initiatives
Foundation Voting Program Improve the diversity of validators on the Celo network through a pool of staked CELO. Dave
Audits Improve security of the platform through audits and reviews and supporting the bug bounty program. Ryon, Dave
Enterprise Strengthen DevRel and support enterprise adoption of Celo blockchain technology Eric, Harpal
Founder inbound Support Celo founders with 1:1 engagement Jason
Founder Programs Launch programs Celo Camp and Startup Pathway with high NPS Jason
One-to-Many Launch 1:Many support platform for ecosystem founders Nestor

Shout out to the team (Anna, Brandy, Daniel, Dave, Ernest, Harpal, Jason, Joe, Nestor, Ryon, Viral, and Lyle) for your contributions to this Season’s Plan and for your work ongoing work on programs and initiatives! If you have any feedback, please leave a comment here or reach out to the DevRel team on Twitter @celodevs, Discord, or by email devrel@celo.org.