S11 Planning: Developer Relations

Hi all, Eric from the Dev Rel team here.

The Developer Relations (DevRel) team at Celo Foundation is focused on Attracting, Growing, and Retaining values-aligned developers. Our ultimate goal is to support all developers building on Celo.

The DevRel team at Celo comprises frontend web2/web3 dapp developers, mobile developers, solidity developers, technical writers, and security researchers.

The four core pillars that DevRel is organized around supporting are:

Outreach - Attracting new developers to the ecosystem

Technical Community - Providing Support to developers and community members

Ecosystem & Platform Advocacy - Advocating on behalf of the developers in the ecosystem and across the Celo platform

Technical Education & Content - Producing inspirational and informational developer focused technical content


  • Producing two flagship Hackathons each year
  • Drive diversified selection of Hackathon sponsorships
  • Supporting web3 industry, and significant technical events like Schelling Point
  • Speaking at web3 events


  • Engaging with Celo core engineers to facilitate community feedback and advocate for developer tooling.
  • Improving the Developer Experience & Tooling Through code example Unification.
  • Supporting Web2 Developers that are migrating to Web3.
  • Introduce the Technical Ambassador Program across the globe
  • Hosting Weekly Drop-In Office Hours
  • Managing a new Security Bug Bounty Program
  • Coordinating timely security audits
  • Inteoduce “Stack Shift” - a streamlined path for web2 developers to web3 starting in Africa region with intention to expand.


  • Continued advocacy for developers building on Celo
  • Reviewing Technical Infrastructure Grants
  • Supporting services like Hubspot for receiving feedback and supporting teams developing on Celo.
  • Improving and Advocating for new Services + Tooling for Developers


  • Developer Documentation (docs.celo.org)
  • Developing Celo Academy (coming in 2023)
  • Coordinating dev docs Localization
  • Producing inspiring and influential Technical Posts/Tutorials.
  • Providing Security training for the Celo community
  • Expanding Celo Tech Guild - dapp developer consulting for live ecosystem projects
  • Running Foundation Validator Voting Program - Supporting Validators and improving Diversity in validators oknthe network.
  • Launching Celo Sage - Technical Content produced by the Celo Community through bounties |

For the Q4 2022, the DevRel team is focused on nurturing and growing our active developer community (adding 100 new active developers to the ecosystem), onboarding more web2 developers to web3 (100 new developers via Stack Shift, and Academy), increasing Twitter engagement on @CeloDevs, unifying developer documentation examples, localizing developer documentation (Spanish, Portuguese Brazilian, and including Greek community contributions), adding an additional 10-15 new technical tutorials, improving the developer docs website experience by introducing a new Tutorial showcase, increasing the time spent on developer docs, and helping people get to the material they need more quickly.

If you have any feedback, would like to report a bug or issue or need development help, or if you have an idea for a tutorial, please reach out to the DevRel team and me here, on Twitter @celodevs, on Discord, or by email devrel@celo.org.

Shoutout to the Dev Rel Circle! Thanks Brandy, Viral, Harpal, Ernest, Joe, Dave, Nestor, and Ryon for contributing to Season 11 planning.


Season 11 Review

The Celo Foundation Developer Relation team has been focused over the last three months on supporting the Celo Ecosystem developer community. Here is a list of all initiatives undertaken in Season 11.


Build with Celo

A total of 1361 individuals registered for the event, forming 1122 teams. 74 teams submitted their work, and 17 developer office hours were conducted to provide support and guidance to participants. Additionally, 20 development workshops and 2 non-technical workshops were held to further aid in the development process. Thank you to all participants, judges, and congratulations to all prize winners.

Developer Docs

We have made improvements to the performance of docs.celo.org, including the addition of a new landing page to help developers get started more quickly. We optimized the page and restructured the docs for better usability and easing translation work.

Docs are now localized in two additional languages (Spanish and Portuguese Brazilian). Greek and Turkish are currently in progress. Thank you to Ewerton and Juan for your contributions. Go here to learn how you can help.

Celo Composer

The Celo Composer project is a tool designed to help developers shorten the time from idea to deployment, promoting iteration, education and experimentation. In Season 11, a lot of work has been put into Celo Composer, which now offers several options for frontend libraries and frameworks such as React, Angular, React Native, and Flutter. Additionally, it now also has the smart contract framework Truffle as a choice, and Subgraphs boilerplate code to encourage developers to build Subgraphs for their production-ready protocol or project. The main goal of Celo Composer is to get developers to mainnet as soon as possible. To ease the experience of using Celo Composer, it is now available as a CLI tool, which allows developers to get started in seconds. Moreover, the CLI includes react-celo and rainbowkit-celo, which can be added via the CLI. An organization called Celo-Examples has also been established on Github to host examples created using Celo Composer or Celo Sage.

In the recent updates, Celo Composer has added support for Subgraphs, which allows developers to easily build and deploy subgraphs for their production-ready protocols or projects. This feature includes boilerplate code for Subgraphs, encouraging developers to take advantage of the benefits that subgraphs provide, such as improved data indexing and querying on the blockchain. Additionally, the Celo Composer now has an additional smart contract framework Truffle as a choice which can be used to deploy subgraphs on the Ethereum blockchain.

Celo Sage

The Celo Sage program is an initiative aimed at building a community of content creators by onboarding dozens of developers to the program, with the goal of reaching thousands of new developers. To date, 38 articles have been published as part of the Celo Sage program. A website has been created to enhance the user experience and management of the program.

In preparation for the program, the organization has focused on organizing and cataloging ecosystems and tutorials to prepare for ecosystem-driven tutorials. This includes restructuring the documentation architecture on docs.celo.org, creating a new homepage, adding a Celo Dapp Showcase and a Celo Tutorial Showcase, setting up metrics with SEMRush and Google Analytics, and upgrading the homepage.

The program now focuses on creators by accepting and onboarding members, smoothly operating and facilitating the tutorial creation process, adding resources for the community to engage and find support (docs, discord, canny), and working to include repos from Sages and derivatives to be included in developer reports. The program is also working on celebrating program and member accomplishments via announcements and social media and will add a website for members to find bounties, resources, and showcase accomplishments in Season 12.

Office Hours

In Season 11, we focused on strategy and planning for education programs, hackathons, and developer documentation and tooling. We also provided support for streaming events and engaged with the community and ecosystem through technical support and supportive services. Our efforts resulted in a 25% quarter-over-quarter increase in developer activity and a refined hackathon process that was documented and streamlined through internal playbooks.

Technical Ambassadors

The Technical Ambassador Program is designed to support and empower developers, builders, and creators to drive innovation and adoption in the Celo ecosystem through working with people who focus locally or regionally.

The program is designed to be flexible to accommodate the diverse backgrounds and skill levels of participants. It provides access to various resources, including training materials, mentorship, office hours, coaching, networking opportunities, and job opportunities.

The Technical Ambassador program began in October with four ambassadors, Femi, Ewerton, Habib, and Azeez, and was initially focused on supporting the Build with Celo Hackathon. During the Idea phase of the hackathon, the Technical Ambassadors brought in 54 participants. During the build phase of the hackathon, the Technical ambassadors organized multiple office hours and technical workshops.

Femi is leading efforts to create community-managed Celo Composer documentation. Ewerton translated the Celo developer documentation to Portuguese and created technical content in Portuguese. He also played a significant role in the Brazil hackathon, from technical workshops to mentoring and managing teams. Habib spearheaded the technical sessions at the Africa web3 fund in Kampala, Uganda. The Technical ambassadors Femi and Ewerton also contribute to the Celo Sage program. Their contributions to the hackathon, documentation and community-building initiatives have been significant and instrumental in the success of the Celo platform.

Web3 Security

The Web3 Security team has been working with cLabs Engineers working on Core Contracts and Ecosystem partners to audit smart contracts, and complete open-source reviews of projects for threats. The work aims to educate, inform, and support ecosystem developers using security best practices. The security team has also made significant progress working on a community driven bug-bounty program.

Cohort 11 of the Foundation Voting Program launched this season. Work was done to improve internal playbooks, processes, and communication with aspiring and selected validators.


The Developer Relations teams remain focused on supporting new and existing developers in the Celo ecosystem. We thank each of you for joining hackathons, office hours, and conversations here on the forum, on Discord, TG, and Twitter.

If you have feedback or ideas for new programs and initiatives that you’d like to see, comment below.

Thank you once again to the Dev Rel Circle! @bcamacho, @viral-sangani, @harpaljadeja, @Ernest-Nnamdi, Joe, @Dave_CommSec, @nestorbonilla, and @Ryon for your hard work inSeason 11. Stay tuned for an announcement on Season 12 plans.