Hi all! We’re excited to share that we’re looking for a few people to join the Celo Governance Proposal Editors group, which helps out with a lot of governance processes in the ecosystem. It’s a great way to get familiar with important changes in the ecosystem and how things work on a day-to-day basis.
The time commitment is generally 1-2 hours per week, and the duties below are generally split up among the CGP Editors—if you’re interested in a particular one, we can make sure to get you involved:
Review Celo Governance Proposal content on Github
Help organize governance calls
Write Governance section of Celo Signal recurring weekly newsletter
Keep Celo signal community calendar up to date
Generally help support the governance processes
It’s a great learning opportunity, and we will work with you to get you up to speed!
I’m also potentially interested depending on if there would be a conflict of interest considering I have previously submitted governance proposals and will likely submit others in the future.