Hi folks - a PSA:
On collusion: as per my note last week, the C Labs team has been investigating and reaching out to teams about activity that doesn’t meet the Stake Off rules. For complete clarity, the rules absolutely prohibit arrangements that involve splitting any mainnet Celo Gold that might be rewarded. Following the Terms and Conditions, if C Labs receives evidence of such arrangements, it will result in immediate disqualification. If you are aware of such behavior and would like to notify the C Labs team, email hello@celo.org with the subject “Collusion”.
Participants should also note that the Terms and Conditions clause 6(b) includes provisions for locking up mainnet Celo Gold, which means that only a single recipient can use it as part of a stake for a validator or group.
Creative approaches that may not seem to make sense economically, such as adding a validator to another participant’s group rather than adding it to one’s own group, are considered okay as long as the arrangement is mutually beneficial and does not break the previously shared rules. This is a good opportunity to learn about how groups work.
The C Labs team acknowledges that some of you may have reservations about groups. It’s therefore planning an online session for you to share feedback and discuss validator group incentives and structure. Details will be shared separately.
Meanwhile, if you have fallen below the top 50 in the leaderboard, do not despair! There are many reasons to keep your validators running –
We are expanding the potential prize pool, and increasing the number of participants that receive Mainnet Celo Gold beyond the top 50! (subject to Terms and Conditions) Details will be announced in due course.
We are still exploring permitting more than 100 validators to be elected, giving new validators a chance to earn rewards.
The security audits can yield a significant boost for teams that can demonstrate excellent operational security practices – whether or not you’re elected.
Finally, we continue to award Mainnet Celo Gold (subject to Terms and Conditions) as part of the Community Challenge, the Security Bounty Program, and for validator tools and code contributions as part of the Grants Program.
Comments and suggestions always welcome!
Claire and the Stake Off Team