[Multisig] Celo Safe (re)launch

Topic: API url base like Eth mainnet

Gnosis has this URL for the mainnet Safe:
(! Note the different API endpoints compared to the Alfajores one below)

For Alfajores, I could only find this (by inspecting the network on the reforked Safe’s UI
(api base: https://client-gateway.celo-safe-prod.celo-networks-dev.org)

Q: Could you point me to the “correct” Alfajores API?
For Celo would also be nice.
More specifically, we need access to sth like

  • POST /v1/safes/{address}/multisig-transactions/
  • POST /v1/safes/{address}/multisig-transactions/estimations/

EDIT: After continuing playing around with the reforked Safe UI, I found this undocumented endpoint
POST /v2/chains/44787/safes/{safeId}/multisig-transactions/estimations