Milestone 3 Kickoff: Application Tooling Team 🧪 [Oct-Nov]

Hi all, this is the applications team at cLabs: Dan (@dckesler), Aaron (@aaronmgdr), Nicolas, Subha (@ssubram11), and me :wave:

Milestone 3 began last Wednesday, October 5 and is running for 4 weeks until Wednesday, November 9. With this post, we’d like to share some of our current priorities and associated deliverables.

Overall, our current priorities are to re-deploy Celo Safe and provide Ethereum-level parity for the popular Ethers.js library.

Our specific goals for milestone 3 are:

  1. Re-deploy Celo Safe
    This matters because a working and reliable multisig solution on Celo is critical. The engineering team is currently re-forking Gnosis Safe and aiming to re-deploy to production by Wednesday, November 16. (Edit: I’m writing a separate forum post on this and will link it here once published). Read more here:
  1. Identify incompatibilities with Ethers.js and possible solutions
    This matters because Ethers.js is a very popular library among builders and currently doesn’t have 100% parity on Celo. To help you (if you’re a builder), we’d like learn about the issues you face and to get as much context as possible. We started a Github Discussion below and would love your input:
  1. Upgrade celo-org/celo-monorepo to Node.js v18
    This matters because the celo-monorepo currently uses Node.js v12, which is not actively being supported anymore.