Kuneco Townhall Agenda Suggestions

hi Anna and Daniel,

We have just completed Blockchain na Escola’s first Prezenti grant and would love to showcase our educational product / methodology to the community.

Would that be a topic of interest for the next Kuneco? Please let me know where I could apply our project!


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Hi @BlockchainNaEscola team! That’s great would love to learn more about your progress and experience. Kuneco is currently on pause, but I encourage you to write a forum post update detailing your experience, I think it would be very valuable to share with the community.

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gotcha! We’ve shared an account from our journey in the LATAM Collab post. Anyone interested can find more information about our experience here: An Invitation to Collab: Latin America Recap - #8 by BlockchainNaEscola


I Like this Idea!!

hey @annaalexa are there plans to re open Kuneco at all in the coming months? Thanks!

Hi @MayaRB! We don’t currently have plans for a regular Kuneco, but we will likely do special editions and celebrations of big milestones and events.

Curious to hear your feedback if you think bringing back regular cadence would be a good idea?

Kuneco started as a way for our community to get together during periods of lockdown but now between already many virtual calls and an increasing amount of in-person events we found there’s lots of choices of where to spend time and attendance dropping. Would be really interested to hear feedback on this one!

Hi @annaalexa thank for your update on this. Until recently, Prezenti was actually sign posting successful grantees to Kuneco as a way of sharing their achievements once their grant had ended, but i’m sure we can find another solution to encourage spreading of good news and lessons learnt! If it does come back online could you drop me a line maybe? Cheers!