Find a mentor / mentee for The Great Celo Stake Off

Keen to join the Stake Off but want to find others to compliment your skills? Post here with information about yourself / background, location / time zone, and what you’re looking for.



Hi. We are team LoveCelo, from Recife/Brazil (GMT -3:00) and we would love to find a mentor team to help us in the challenge.


Hi Celo community!
We are “dsrv labs” from South Korea and would like to participate in TGCSO as a mentor. We have been running nodes as a validator for other Proof-of-Stake blockchain projects and have actively participated in the Korean Ethereum community from the early stage as code contributors, content writers, technical translators, meetup organizers, crypto-exchange operators & listings. In addition, we have experience launching an Istanbul BFT-based-blockchain through Kakao Klaytn.

We are happy to assist anyone who we can help during TGCSO, but it would be easier to communicate if we can find a buddy who is located not too many timezones away. Our location and timezone is Seoul, South Korea (GMT+9). Please let us know if this meets your interest. We’re definitely looking forward to Staking Off! Thanks.


Noted! We’re excited to have you join. Look out for an email on Monday (Dec 2nd) that will include your mentor matching!

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Hi, I am looking for a mentor or collaborator for the stake-off.

i) Product MGMT/Data analytics and a developer.
ii) Experience with staking as token holder in other networks
iii) Limited experience running node


Hi :wave:

This is Chris and I run Chainflow. I’d be glad to mentor a Stake Off participant. Please contact me here if you’re interested.

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@cjremus like your website mate – I would like to get some pointers as well – will send you an email to get started – thank you

Het Chris, I sent you your mentee. Let me know if you haven’t received it. :slight_smile:

PK we have you down for the program, but currently looking for someone in a similar timezone! If you already have a mentee that’s great! But please let us know to ensure we don’t overlap mentors (only one mentor <> mentee match).

Hi, we’re looking for a mentor to take part in the event. The time range is in APAC, Singpore and Tokyo
We’re an experienced validator on other chains such as Tezos and Cosmos

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Have you registered? I can connect you with a mentor directly through email.

yes we have, and we will send an email. Thank you

How did you send the info?

(So many communications channels, so little time/attention to keep an eye on all of them at all times :sweat_smile:)

Definitely understand! Should have receive in your email. Let me know if you haven’t - I can resend.

I received it, thank you. It turns out that mentee misunderstood the program’s intent and decided to go solo.

A couple people have contacted me directly. Should I work with one of them or wait for you to assign a new mentee to me?

Hi @amy and the Crew,
Ztake team is interested to join the Stake Off challenge as a mentor.
We have multiple people on our team available to help but it would most likely be me or Roman.

Both of us have experience in operating nodes in production including projects like Cosmos, Chainlink and Kovan Network.


@cjremus - Feel free to connect with one directly if they don’t have a mentor already (only one mentor/mentee per match). Please let me know who you end up connecting with :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, my name is Bijan and I would appreciate a mentor for running a validating node. Looking for someone I can readily bounce questions off of.


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I’m still looking for a mentee. Please let me know if you have any candidates I can connect with before the Stake Off kicks-off again :slight_smile: