[Final] Celo Arabia H2 2024 | Regional DAO

Funding Request: Creation of Celo Arabia DAO

Authors: @CeloArabia

Budget Request: cUSD 24,000

Proposal Type: CPG Funding Request | Regional DAO

We’re excited to share our Draft proposal for Celo Arabia H2 2024 in line with the Celo Public Goods Funding proposal for stakeholder input and early collaborations.

Aligned Public Goods Bucket: Regional DAO

Summary: This proposal aims to secure funding to establish and grow the Arabic Celo community. Our goal is to attract new users and developers to actively engage with the Celo ecosystem. To achieve this, we plan to create and provide educational materials in Arabic, facilitating easy and effective involvement for users and developers.
The DAO will play a crucial role in expanding Celo’s presence and adoption in the MENA region, capitalizing on the region’s active engagement with digital assets and significant inbound remittance volume.


  • Strategic Location: The MENA region is a key hub for global trade and finance, offering access to diverse markets and economic opportunities.
  • High Remittance Volume: The region has a substantial volume of inbound remittances, making it an ideal market for financial technologies that can provide cheaper, faster, and more secure transfer options.
  • Growing Interest in Digital Assets: There is an increasing interest and engagement with digital assets and blockchain technology in the MENA region, providing a fertile ground for Celo’s expansion.
  • Financial Inclusion: Many people in the MENA region are underbanked or unbanked. Celo’s mobile-first approach can provide accessible financial services to these populations, promoting greater financial inclusion.
    Our team:

Mostafa Lotfy

The founder of Cryptoblararbi.com, he brings over 7 years of experience in community creation and management, content creation, and translation.

Has 3 years of experience in translation and content creation.

Has 3 years of experience in organizing events, establishing partnerships and design.

Ziad Mahmoud
Has more than 7 years of experience in the academic and programming field. He works as a teaching assistant at Pharos University, where he works on teaching Blockchain and the Solidity language to the students.

We have published 2 articles about Celo in OptimismArabia website : 1 , 2

Many of our articles appearing as the first search result such as:

When searching for “اضافة شبكة Celo” in Arabic -it’s mean “Add Celo chain”-, you will find:

If you will searching for “Optimism السلسلة الفائقة” in Arabic -it’s mean “Optimism Superchain”-, you will find:

Some past work:
ًWebsite: https://optimismarabia.com/
Academy: https://academy.optimismarabia.com/

Metrics and KPIs

  • Create social media channels on Telegram - Twitter to publish the latest updates about Celo in Arabic and provide support to users in Arabic.
  • Create an Academy for Celo in Arabic to educate the users and developers about Celo and blockchain - will contain minimum 5 courses about Blockchain and Celo.
  • Translate Celo articles and docs into Arabic - minimum 20 translated articles.
  • Content creation (videos, infographics, and educational articles) - minimum 12 articles, 12 guides, 12 videos, 20 infographics.
  • Hold educational webinars - minimum 5 webinars.
  • Hold AMAs, events and competitions - minimum 5 AMAs, 5 competitions.
  • Translate and post the latest news - minimum 100 post
  • Collaborate with other regional community managers to share best practices and cross promote each other’s communities.

By the end of December 2024 we expect to have at least:

  • 400 followers on Twitter

  • 300 members on the Telegram group

  • 50 people completing the Academy courses

  • Bringing in 15 developers interested in building on Celo

  • 20 artists interested in NFT and Celo

  • 30 participants in webinars and competitions

  • Attracting new users who will play a role in increasing the number of the onchain transactions, increasing downloads of applications such as Valora and Mini Pay.

  • Attracting new developers who will play a role in building new dApps on Celo and participating in the development of existing dApps and developing payment solutions.

  • Attracting new artists who will play a role in creating NFTs on the Celo network.

  • Attracting investors and establishing partnerships, which will play a role in strengthening Celo’s position in the Middle East.
    By achieving the above goals, we will have achieved great success in all directions, and most importantly, everyone will contribute to making Celo more famous in the Middle East, which will open the door to huge partnerships in the future.

Budget Breakdown

Website Creation, Academy Creation, Social Media Channels - $1000
Social Media Management & Translation - $7500
Content Creation - $5500
Course Creation - $2500
Webinars, AMA & Competitions - $2500
Operations, Accounting & Reporting - $2000
Marketing - 3000$

Total : 24000 cUSD

We are asking for 40% (9600 cUSD) of the budget as a down payment and the second payment of 60% (14400 cUSD) will be obtained if the following milestones are achieved by October:

  • 200 followers on Twitter
  • 150 members on the Telegram group
  • Publishing at least ( 6 articles, 6 guides, 6 videos, 10 infographics) and translate 50 post
  • Holding at least ( 3 webinars, 3 AMAs, 3 competitions)
  • 25 people completing the Academy courses and claim the NFT/Poap as a proof
  • Bringing in 5 developers interested in building on Celo
  • 10 artists interested in NFT and Celo
  • 30 participants in webinars and competitions

Multisig wallet: 0xe1B10f25eb56446bAF94A48b6b63f100f1f686c9

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Unfortunately our proposal was rejected, we thank you for your time and hope you can help us improve our proposal to have a higher chance of acceptance in the future.

@LuukDAO Despite making the necessary edits and creating and publishing the requested content our proposal rejected by you, please explain why the proposal does not deserve priority so we can make the necessary improvements.

@LauNaMu We would also like to ask you to clarify what our proposal lacks to be a DAO in your opinion, as we feel that our proposal is similar to other proposals.

Also, can we develop our proposal and publish it for another vote later this month?

We appreciate your effort and help
Thanks in advance.

Hi @CeloArabia

The Celo Arabia H2 2024 proposal was indeed denied by the CeloPG stewards (4 No votes —1 Abstain).

A new voting cycle for the current Regional DAO proposal in FINAL stage will start today (and run for 5 days). If there is any budget left at the end of that cycle, you can submit a new draft proposal to the Regional DAO strategy.

If not, we hope you receive some support from the Regen Coordi-Nation GG21 round and can use that to showcase the potential impact Celo Arabia can have for Celo.

Regardless, we’ll keep you posted about any CeloPG programs that could be relevant for Celo Arabia, and hope to continue to see you in the ecosystem.

Looking forward for your replies, thanks in advance.