Community Development at the Celo Foundation

Hi Everyone,

My name is Anna and along with Daniel @olarte we lead Community Development and Education programs at the Celo Foundation. The aim of Community Development is to bridge resources and support from the Celo Foundation to passionate community members in the ecosystem to nurture and grow the Celo Community around the world.

We have several flagship programs that we manage, like Community and Education grants, and today we’re introducing other ways to get involved in the community.

:date: Community Calendar

This is a public calendar of all events in the ecosystem, all are welcome to attend. If you are hosting your own events, reach out to get them added to the community calendar.

We are hosting several new weekly calls that are open to anyone interested in attending. These are informal conversation spaces to meet members of the Celo Foundation and fellow community members, ask questions, and hear about latest developments and programs. Each has a different focus

:wave: Community Office Hours

  • Tuesdays 2PM UTC (9AM EST) in Office-Hours Voice Channel on Discord
  • Join Anna and Daniel and talk about community programs, grants, ways to get involved, say hi!
  • Open to all

:computer: Developer Office Hours

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays 3PM UTC (10AM EST) in Office-Hours Voice Channel
  • Join Josh from Dev Rel to ask any technical questions if you are building or interested in building on Celo.
  • Open to all, focused on developers

:globe_with_meridians: Ecosystem Office Hours

  • Fridays 2PM UTC (9AM EST) in Office-Hours Voice Channel
  • Join Xochitl, Head of Ecosystem Growth, and other members from the Ecosystem Circle
  • Open to all

:busts_in_silhouette: Ambassador Office Hours

  • Thursdays 3PM UTC (10AM EST) in Office-Hours Voice Channel
  • Learn about latest developments in the ecosystem, meet fellow ambassadors, exchange ideas about local communities
  • Open to Ambassadors and those interested in joining and building Celo Community around the world

:earth_americas: Global Ambassador Network

Celo Ambassadors is a community-driven initiative helping to grow and support the ecosystem of Developers, Designers, Dreamers, and Doers around the world.

Ambassadors play an important role in Celo’s mission of bringing open financial tools for prosperity for all by introducing and onboarding communities by hosting events, creating content, and managing community online and in person.

At the heart, ambassadors are community organizers who want to bring people together, share knowledge, and build a strong Celo presence in their region. Some natural roles have emerged as meet up organizers (online and in person!), managing local social media accounts and chats groups, hosting hackathons and technical events, translating existing content and creating their own. But these are not the only ways to support the growing global community, if you have other ideas, we’d love to hear it.

Ambassadors are supported in their work with grants in the form of a stipend in cUSD, cEUR, or cREAL and work closely with members of the Celo Foundation to plug into what’s happening in the ecosystem. If you are passionate about Celo and want to bring it to your region, apply here! We are looking for people all around the world to fill the map with Celo flags. Don’t hesitate to reach out to @annaalexa and @olarte on the forum and on Discord and come to Office Hours if you want to chat more.

:money_with_wings: Community and Education Grants

Part of our work as the Community Development team is done through grants that we give to individuals and projects working on community and education initiatives. If you have an idea and would like to apply for a grant, fill out an application here and select Community & Education as a category. If you’d like to discuss a grant with us directly, please reach out to @annaalexa or @olarte on Discord or come to Office Hours.

:sparkles: Scholarships and Other Activities

As the community is getting ready to get together in Barcelona for Celo Connect this April, we are giving away 20 scholarship opportunities for folks who would love to attend the conference. If you are interested, fill out this application and let us know and you could be selected to attend.

If you have any other ideas for ways to get involved we are always happy to hear from you. Reach out and let us know!

Anna & Daniel


This is (so so!) awesome! Praise to you two (@annaalexa and @olarte) for promoting this and sharing this more publicly :100: :rocket:


These look like such great initiatives!


Good evening
I want to create celo community in Goa
How i can start?

Hi @alchemy welcome!!
We’d love to have your help creating a community in Goa, first of all you can take a look at this India DAO proposal and make some comments there. Second, please meet @harpaljadeja he leads Dev Rel in India and can help you plug into the ecosystem regionally.

Another great way to get involved in building community is applying for the Ambassador Program! You can always reach out to me with questions.



Good evening @harpaljadeja
Can i know where are u located in India?
May be u suggest me some next steps for create community in Goa?
Thank you

Thank you ,i applied for ambassador
Letsee if they reply

Thank you! I will take a look.

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Hey I am from Mumbai, India.

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Do u have some indian TG group? Where we can chatting locally.
I live in Goa. If u visit here we can catch up. Or in Mumbai if i there

Yes! I believe @Shaun would know best about the local TG group, would appreciate it if you can share it :pray:

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Hi Anna, Yes dropping the link below

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Where i can request some funding to create small meetup in Goa Arambol. For 10-20 people.
Where i would like to see some video about Celo, introduce to Celo ecosystem, share some information about wallet, and some applications, how to create NFT
I think we need around 100-200$ for this and we can start our Goa Cello group and Instagram.

If u interested to support with this meet up
Letme know please
Thank u

If It not takes long time for funding i can orginise It this or next week


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This is a great idea!! This is exactly the kind of program I’m currently working on, to allow community members to easily apply for small grants to host meet ups in their local area. I will get back to you as soon as there’s a process that’s formalized but it will not be this or next week yet. I will keep you in mind as soon as we have the Meet Up program launched and in the mean time I’ll take a look at your ambassador application!

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Good thank you. We will waiting.

@annaalexa Hey, how are u?
some news?
Long time🙈

Hi Alchemy! We from local ecosystem may also be able to help. Would you like to take a look here and then we follow up? Although grants come from @annaalexa , maybe some collabs with existing local communities may come in handy to kick start this :slight_smile: You could for instance join the office hours in which we discuss how we implement some initiatives, or get inspired by some projects launched.

Hey @MilaRioja
Do you interested in my proposal?
Can you Help to do fund for it?

Hey there! As said above what we can help you with is exchanging ideas with the community who is doing what you propose in other countries. You are most welcome to join office hours to debate and follow up on the post linked above for more resources.