Community Development at the Celo Foundation

Ye thank you @MilaRioja
Where i can find meetings hours? Very glad to join :sparkles:

Why @annaalexa Dont want to speak with me anymore?

Hi @alchemy, the meet up program is scheduled to launch in November, I will keep you posted and let you know when it’s time to apply! You can track progress and goals for our team here in our Season 11 planning.

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Hello @annaalexa
I have submitted my application to be a Colombian Ambassador.

Really want to join Celo as Ambassador. In addition with the $cCOP proposal I think we can get a lot of adoption in Colombia :colombia:

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Hi Juan! Thank you so much for applying! Looking forward to talking more.

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I was applying 3 months ago. Nobody still dont replying :see_no_evil::person_shrugging::person_shrugging: @MilaRioja
I guess it have to take more time

Hi @alchemy! I went through the ambassador application and wasn’t able to find your entry. If perhaps you used a different name, can you please message me and let me know! Thank you for your patience.