Celo Optics v2 Dashboard and Analytics

Hello Everyone,

I am from Team DappLooker. Excited to share that we have built Optics v2 subgraph and integrated optics V2 contracts to DappLooker platform.

  • Optics V2 dashboard is live on Celo explorer
  • Indexed data is available to run SQL queries and build custom charts.
  • Dashboard support below tokens bridge transactions:
    • cUSD: 0x765DE816845861e75A25fCA122bb6898B8B1282a
    • cEUR: 0xD8763CBa276a3738E6DE85b4b3bF5FDed6D6cA73
    • Celo(ERC20): 0x471EcE3750Da237f93B8E339c536989b8978a438
    • PACT: 0x46c9757C5497c5B1f2eb73aE79b6B67D119B0B58
  • Contracts which are integrated:
    • Optics v2 contract: 0x1548cf5cf7dBd93f4dA11f45fCce315573d21B60

Please find relevant resources

Please find highlights of the dashboard:

Users per token

This is a bar chart, representing user associated with transactions on Optics contract address.

Transactions per token

This is a bar chart, representing number of transactions performed by each token which includes Optics contract.

Weekly/Monthly transaction volume

These line charts represent number of transactions done by each token on weekly/monthly bases which includes Optics contract.

Weekly/Monthly Value transferred

These line charts represent value transferred done by each token during during transactions on weekly/monthly bases which includes Optics contract.

Weekly/Monthly Gas consumed

These line charts represent gas consumed by each token during during transactions on weekly/monthly bases which includes Optics contract.

Please share your feedback on data discrepancy if any and also what metrics we can include for better insight.


Wow, this is amazing! Thanks for sharing!!!


What about the other tokens?
I’d imagine most of the real volume is on wETH, wBTC, USDC, DAI, etc… coming from the ETH L1.


Yes we can add mentioned tokens also. If transactions happening through bridge v2 we can add. Can you share the token addresses which you have mentioned.

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Thank you @marek :+1:, you can find popular Celo dashboards of Ubeswap, ImpactMarket, Moola Market, Attestation here.


The popular Optics tokens

    "address": "0x2E3487F967DF2Ebc2f236E16f8fCAeac7091324D",
    "name": "Optics v2 WMATIC via Polygon",
    "symbol": "WMATIC",
    "chainId": 42220,
    "decimals": 18,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubeswap/default-token-list/master/assets/asset_WMATIC.png"
    "address": "0x29dFce9c22003A4999930382Fd00f9Fd6133Acd1",
    "name": "Optics v2 SUSHI",
    "symbol": "SUSHI",
    "chainId": 42220,
    "decimals": 18,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubeswap/default-token-list/master/assets/asset_SUSHI.png"
    "address": "0x122013fd7dF1C6F636a5bb8f03108E876548b455",
    "name": "Optics v2 WETH",
    "symbol": "WETH",
    "chainId": 42220,
    "decimals": 18,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubeswap/default-token-list/master/assets/asset_WETH.png"
    "address": "0xBAAB46E28388d2779e6E31Fd00cF0e5Ad95E327B",
    "name": "Optics v2 WBTC",
    "symbol": "WBTC",
    "decimals": 8,
    "chainId": 42220,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubeswap/default-token-list/master/assets/asset_WBTC.png"
    "address": "0xef4229c8c3250C675F21BCefa42f58EfbfF6002a",
    "name": "Optics v2 USDC",
    "symbol": "USDC",
    "decimals": 6,
    "chainId": 42220,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubeswap/default-token-list/master/assets/asset_USDC.png"
    "name": "Optics USDC v2 POS",
    "address": "0x1bfc26cE035c368503fAE319Cc2596716428ca44",
    "symbol": "USDC-POS",
    "decimals": 6,
    "chainId": 42220,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sushiswap/assets/master/blockchains/celo/assets//logo.png"
    "address": "0x88eeC49252c8cbc039DCdB394c0c2BA2f1637EA0",
    "name": "Optics v2 USDT",
    "symbol": "USDT",
    "decimals": 6,
    "chainId": 42220,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubeswap/default-token-list/master/assets/asset_USDT.png"
    "address": "0x90Ca507a5D4458a4C6C6249d186b6dCb02a5BCCd",
    "name": "Optics v2 DAI",
    "symbol": "DAI",
    "chainId": 42220,
    "decimals": 18,
    "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubeswap/default-token-list/master/assets/asset_DAI.png"
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Incredible! Have you done one for the Mento protocol by any chance? There have been lots of asks for showing the reserve composition and over collateralization ratio over time.

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Thanks @diwu1989, We will integrate and update you.
You can also join our discord for direct communication.

@marek, As of now we have not done. I will surely discuss with my team and update you as soon as possible.

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Hey @diwu1989,

Dashboard is updated with additional tokens

However we are seeing low volume from wETH, wBTC, USDC, DAI through Optics V2 bridge contract.
Optics v2 bridge contract: 0x1548cf5cf7dBd93f4dA11f45fCce315573d21B60

Please see documentation of contracts transactions indexed when transferred from Optics v2 bridge contract.

Let me know your thoughts.