Hello Everyone,
I am from Team DappLooker. Excited to share that we have built Optics v2 subgraph and integrated optics V2 contracts to DappLooker platform.
- Optics V2 dashboard is live on Celo explorer
- Indexed data is available to run SQL queries and build custom charts.
- Dashboard support below tokens bridge transactions:
- cUSD:
- cEUR:
- Celo(ERC20):
- cUSD:
- Contracts which are integrated:
- Optics v2 contract:
- Optics v2 contract:
Please find relevant resources
- Optics v2 Dashboard
- Collection of all Charts & Dashboards
- Indexed Data
- Subgraph: https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/dapplooker/celo-optics-v2
Please find highlights of the dashboard:
Users per token
This is a bar chart, representing user associated with transactions on Optics contract address.
Transactions per token
This is a bar chart, representing number of transactions performed by each token which includes Optics contract.
Weekly/Monthly transaction volume
These line charts represent number of transactions done by each token on weekly/monthly bases which includes Optics contract.
Weekly/Monthly Value transferred
These line charts represent value transferred done by each token during during transactions on weekly/monthly bases which includes Optics contract.
Weekly/Monthly Gas consumed
These line charts represent gas consumed by each token during during transactions on weekly/monthly bases which includes Optics contract.
Please share your feedback on data discrepancy if any and also what metrics we can include for better insight.