Belo Horizonte, Brazil - CryptoDay in business with Valora

Hy everyone,

I’m Verber, lawyer of Blockchain in Classroom, an educational project supported by Celo.

I’m creating an Event with some business in my city, like restaurants, bars, commerces. The proposal is to use crypto to onboarding new clients and show entrepreneurs crypto potential.

We pretend to use Valora, but, for those clients that don’t have crypto or don’t know how use it, we pretend to create NFTs for free claim, that where claimed given rewards like discounts, bonus, etc

Do you know how we can build this?

Thanks so much, with Valora support we can build amazing things here!

Device Information

OS: [iOS or Android]
App Version:

Hey Verber
Hadar from GoodDollar.
Our project is exactly what you need. It is a free crypto wallet (android/web, or dapp via valora).
Users receive free daily crypto in form of G$ tokens, so they can then use them to experiment with crypto, do p2p TXs, create NFTs, buy/sell other crypto for G$, all for free with subsidized gas.

Instead of NFTs you can give rewards/bonuses in exchange for G$s users send you.

Dashboard with statistics:


@therealstone @pedrosa.eth @serota

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Also checkout this cool NFT app that was recently built in a hackathon based on G$

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Hey @Verb4l GoodDollar is perfect for this.

We have over 20,000 members in Brazil, too. And an official community.

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Hi @Verb4l - Geo from Valora here. Your post was forwarded to me, and I’m interested to hear more about what you’re building. Can you email our team directly at

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Hi everyone, thanks so much for the answers

Hey Hadar, I’m familiar with and utilize Valora in our educational initiatives, and I’m searching exactly this functionality to “create and claim NFT with subsidized gas” just for a pilot event - I’ll look devfolio.

Geo, very nice! I’ll send you an email with our proposal!

I’m founder of Blcktopia and we are creating a Regenerative Art Gallery. Our goal is to use art as an educational and awareness tool to teach emerging and peripheral artists about cryptoart, web3, and blockchain. To accomplish this, we plan to launch and sell a NFT collection that will be used by holders to claim rewards and benefits from our partners such as commerce, bars, and restaurants.

We already have some partner establishments, but we still lack the operational aspect of blockchain. I believe that Valora can be very useful
