Validators and Node Operators: Do Not Upgrade to v1.5.0

Dear Validators and Node Operators,

A few weeks back the cLabs blockchain team has released v1.5.0 of celo-blockchain client which assigned a Mainnet block number for the Espresso hardfork.

After several validators upgraded, we noticed memory leak issues with some of the validator and archive nodes. The cLabs blockchain team is working on a fix for a v1.5.1 release prior to the Espresso Hardfork.

By next Wednesday, if we can solve this issue in a timely manner, we will publish the new version with the fix and coordinate with all stakeholders to upgrade to this version.

For those who upgraded already to v1.5.0, you can wait until the patch is released in v1.5.1 before upgrading. If you decide to downgrade to v1.4.1 until a fix is released, you will need to resync the v1.5.1 node once a release is made and you upgrade. We can provide chaindata that you can use to bootstrap the network so you don’t need to resync again. You can access the chaindata for pre-1.5.0 release from January 11th here.

For those who haven’t upgraded to v1.5.0, please DO NOT upgrade and wait for a v1.5.1 release.

We will keep you all posted. Thank you for keeping the network secure.

The cLabs Team