Transaccion pendiente de VALORA a BINANCE

[Description of issue faced]

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Hello, I have a problem in a transaction made from VALORA to BINANCE.
I first sent the value of 1 CELO to my binance to test the transaction and everything went well, then, I sent the rest and I keep the pending transaction with the message in the block

Error: execution reverted

All the other transactions are perfect, I think that because of that I am left hanging on the net
I would like to know if I have any way to solve this?

Hi @romdris871 - thank you for reporting this! Could you please reach out directly to our support team so they can investigate further? The best way to do that is to open Valora’s menu and tap Help > Contact. That will also give us your account address so that we can look it up on the Celo Explorer.

Thank you!