S11 Planning: Global Alliances and Grants

Season 11 update

Hi all, hope you had a good holiday break. Here’s sharing a quick update on the goals we shared in October for our Working Group!

  1. Ramp Partnerships:
    We made progress in the number of connect the world and ramp partners supporting Celo that will help make it more widely available. Expect some exciting announcements in the coming weeks!

  2. Grants:
    We have taken this time to revamp the internal grants process using Hubspot to manage the grants pipeline. In line with supporting public goods, we continue to engage partners like Gitcoin, Future Quest and others to support builders in the Celo community.

  3. Alliance:
    The Alliance for Prosperity members’ meeting was held on Nov 30, 2022. The agenda included member updates from Mercy Corps Ventures, Climate Collective and EthicHub. A sneak peek into the rebrand was also shared.

  4. Founder Programs:
    From the perspective of Founder Programs, Q4 2022 saw the launch of a new batch of Celo Camp Batch 6. With about 30 teams that were obtained from >300 applicants, this was the strongest batch so far. Last month, we wrapped Demo Day and announced winners. Additionally, Startup Pathway, another program in the Celo ecosystem that is also run by Upright went live.

We’ll be sharing shortly our goals for the upcoming Season. Till then, wishing you all the best for the new year!
