Proposal for $60,000 Funding to Support a Mobile-First Community in Celo Ecosystem

Mobile First Community Engagement

On Chain Proposal

Proposal for $60,000 Funding to Support a Mobile-First Community in Celo Ecosystem

This initiative aims to foster innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing in the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology and telecommunications. As an entrepreneur, investor, and technology evangelist with a strong background in pioneering Internet Telecommunications, I am committed to creating an environment that propels Celo’s mobile-first technology to new heights.

Overview of the Project:

The primary objective of this project is to establish a robust and dynamic mobile-first community in the Celo Ecosystem - bridging the gap between Telecommunication leaders and blockchain entrepreneurs. The $60,000 funding will be allocated to four key areas:

  • Sponsorship of VON: Evolution Conferences: The Voice On the Net (VON) conferences have a long-standing legacy in the telecommunications industry, providing a unique platform for industry professionals and innovators to share insights and collaborate. By sponsoring VON events and meetups, we will bring attention to Celo’s mobile-first technology and its potential applications, attracting a diverse audience of developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and telecommunications experts.

    • New York: November 1-2.
    • London: Dec 6
    • Palo Alto: April 9-10 (TBC)
  • Building Local Chapters: Establish local chapters of the mobile-first community in strategic locations. The first local chapter will be: New York City.

    These chapters will act as regional hubs for knowledge exchange, mentorship, and networking events centered around Celo’s technology. By encouraging face-to-face interactions, we aim to nurture stronger connections and partnerships among community members.

  • Bridging Blockchain and Major Telcos – Mobile Operators, Cable and Wireline.

    • To drive adoption and collaboration, we will showcase the benefits of Celo’s mobile-first approach and its potential to transform the telecom industry, we will build bridges for partnerships and integrations.
    • Identify opportunities for “pop up” side events around major telecom related conferences around the world.
    • Examples include:
  • Highlighting Use Cases: Develop engaging content, case studies, and whitepapers that highlight real-world use cases of Celo’s mobile-first technology. These resources will illustrate the practical applications of Celo in different industries, attracting more developers and businesses to explore its capabilities. When possible we will invite the use cases to actively participate at VON events.

  • Founder Office Hours: Hold founder office hours to provide guidance and mentorship to founders focused on mobile first solutions.


VON Conference Sponsorship: $40,000

Side Events at Major Telco Conferences: $20,000

Reports will be provided following each event with the following:

  • Budget Used
  • Key TakeAways and Learning - opportunities & challenges
  • Awareness Building - number of event attendees, number of email subscribers, number of leads.

Budget will only be drawn if used for events. In the event that the full budget is not utilized, funds will be returned to the community fund.

Expected Outcomes:

We anticipate the following outcomes:

  • Increased Awareness and Adoption: The sponsorship of VON Events and meetups and the establishment of local chapters will enhance Celo’s visibility, attracting new users, developers, and investors to the ecosystem.
  • Strong Industry Partnerships: Our efforts to bridge blockchain and major telco carriers will open opportunities for strategic partnerships, enabling Celo to integrate seamlessly into existing communication networks.
  • Accelerated Growth: By showcasing compelling use cases, we will drive demand for Celo’s mobile-first technology, accelerating its growth and long-term sustainability.

Measuring Success:

To ensure transparency and accountability, we will track the progress of the project based on the following metrics:

  • Attendance and engagement levels at sponsored VON conferences.
  • Number of established local chapters and active participants.
  • The volume and significance of partnerships with major telco carriers. We will also provide support to others inside Celo when asked.
  • Increased interest and adoption of Celo’s technology, demonstrated through user growth, transaction volume, and developer activity.


The proposal to build a mobile-first community in the Celo Ecosystem is a strategic initiative aimed at advancing Celo’s vision and technology. With the $60,000 funding, we will sponsor conferences, create local chapters, foster partnerships, and highlight compelling use cases, thereby establishing Celo as a leading mobile-first blockchain platform.

I am excited about the potential impact of this project and invite you to join me in shaping the future of mobile-first technology within the Celo Ecosystem. Together, we can drive innovation, empower developers, and build a strong and interconnected community.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this project further.


Multisig Wallet Address (to be provided)

  • Jeff Pulver is a prominent American entrepreneur, investor, and technology evangelist, best known for his pioneering work in internet telecommunications and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. Jeff has influenced public policy in the US in the area of Internet Communications. The Pulver Order, issued by the FCC in 2004 literally changed the way the world communicates by ensuring VoIP calls originating on broadband are not regulated as Telecom. As the co-founder and former Chairman of Vonage, he played a key role in popularizing VoIP services, enabling voice calls over the internet and disrupting the traditional telecom industry. Jeff also founded the influential VON (Voice On the Net) conferences, providing a platform for industry professionals to discuss the convergence of voice, video, and data over the internet. With a passion for supporting technology startups, he has been an active angel investor and has contributed to fostering innovative communication solutions and building strong entrepreneurial communities.
  • David Casey is an entrepreneur and environmental advocate known for his work in promoting sustainable living and eco-conscious travel. David is: celo scout; director @ funding the commons; founder @ resource finance, NuMund; advisor @ Gane (MVNO for latam),, and , all three of these companies in celo ecosystem.

Additional Information

About VON Conferences:

The VON (Voice On the Net) Conference was a series of influential gatherings founded by Jeff Pulver in 1997. These conferences played a significant role in advancing the telecommunications industry by focusing on the convergence of voice, video, and data over the internet. VON brought together industry professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, and technology enthusiasts to discuss the latest developments and challenges in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology and internet-based communications. The conferences aimed to foster innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing while promoting the adoption of VoIP and other internet communication solutions.

About Jeff Pulver

Jeff Pulver is a prominent American entrepreneur, investor, and technology evangelist, best known for his pioneering work in internet telecommunications and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. As the co-founder and former Chief Evangelist of Vonage, he played a key role in popularizing VoIP services, enabling voice calls over the internet and disrupting the traditional telecom industry. Jeff also founded the influential VON (Voice On the Net) conferences, providing a platform for industry professionals to discuss the convergence of voice, video, and data over the internet. With a passion for supporting technology startups, he has been an active angel investor and has contributed to fostering innovative communication solutions and building strong entrepreneurial communities.


Thank you for driving this effort @JeffPulver !


Thanks @Xochitl! I am looking forward to having a positive impact. I am grateful for the support.

David chiming in here. As a scout for the Celo ecosystem, I’m collaborating with @JeffPulver to bring this proposal forward to the community, and align Jeff’s work to support Celo’s mobile-first thesis.

I believe this proposal will add momentum to Celo’s push to bridge mobile, web2, and web3 into a technology stack that truly brings crypto to the masses. Jeff’s deep knowledge of internet-based communications protocols and vast network of individuals and companies from web2 make him well-positioned to be an ally of Celo in its bid to become the leading mobile-focused blockchain platform.

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@davidcasey I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you and support Celo’s mobile-first thesis.

Posting the link to the Github Repo here:

And I would suggest the members of the multisign (@JeffPulver @davidcasey) to post each one your respective address here for disclosure.

Thanks again for this interesting proposal.

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Hi! I am Jeff Pulver and I am sharing my wallet being used for the Multisig here: 0x51D0705A33D924F250a14720A69f7FD42a407B22

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Hello everyone, I am Ed Guy from VON USA. I’m sharing my wallet for multisig here:


Thanks for posting your address just missing @davidcasey address.
Also i just post here the link for voting purposes:

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Here is the address: 0x576edCed7475D8F64a5e2D5227c93Ca57d7f5d20 (ENS: fundingthecommons.eth)


We are now in the final hours for the voting of Celo governance proposal 123. It is proposing a Mobile First community in the celo ecosystem and Telecom.

Please vote :raised_hands:

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Wow! Special thanks to everyone in the Celo community for their support. I am incredibly grateful for the passing of Celo governance proposal 123.

Thanks for voting! :raised_hands:

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