Lost funds when transfer success celo binance to coinlist

i have sent Celo tokens to Celo account on my coinlist. It’s been 5 days, the notification was sent successfully but i still haven’t received Celo on coinlist. The previous times i only 15 minutes I got. Please help me. Here my transaction info: Transaction 0x255a6efe415e7186c8be0208f261b8884946c76023ee121543cf2ebfc4b4cc54 - Celo Explorer
Here my address celo wallet: 0x7b9a2806ccD04A8dAbA6394eC7a547633e44a914

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Đậu. T cũng bị. Gửi support coin list 5 ngày rồi nó méo trả lời.Cho t telegram. Có gì hỏi cho tiện

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@michealTruong add tele tui

hey im in the exact position as you. did you get your funds yet?

it says successful but my funds are still not on coinlist. can anyone help? Transaction 0x5606f2d6cf0d50d82affed3ab849b9540a1f4a5c851d777a86299168799fbb92 - Celo Explorer

any success with retrieving your funds? I tried sending BNB from Valora to Metamask since Metamask had BNB. Transfer successful, but funds were never received on Metamask.