KnktDAO born from CGP-096

Oi/Hola/Hello World!*

We are celebrating x3 today :heart_on_fire:

  • :seedling:EarthDay
  • :chains:@CeloOrg Mainnet Celoversary
  • :space_invader:The birth of KNKT DAO

Wanna know Why/How/What?
Just a few hours ago with 99.6% of approval rate :ballot_box: the Celo Governance Proposal 96 (CGP96) passed :tada:and is now on execution phase. Details on the governance process and the full proposal are available here: Celo Governance by Staking Fund

CGP96 was craft by real people upon community feedback, and who have contributed to Celo mission, to the web3 community and to relevant causes on their ecosystems. People who connect opportunities and make things happen, and believe that local first can generate :earth_americas: impact

Today we celebrate the trust and opportunity and unveil our street name: KNKT DAO
It comes from “Konekti”, a word in Esperanto that means “to connect”. We will work hard to bring together developers, entrepreneurs and opportunities to grow the LatAm ecosystem.

:bulb: WHY are we here?
We believe that local protagonism is what will tip the scale on meaningful and impactful blockchain-based solutions aimed at real world problems.

:gear:HOW can we act on this purpose?
By energizing 3 verticals:

  • :seedling:Seeding opportunities trough collabs (e.g. education and hackathons)
  • :building_construction:Accelerating solutions trough tech and bizz support
  • :loud_sound:Igniting debate and keeping the community informed

:space_invader:WHAT are we?
Your very own Venture Studio on Celo Ecosystem!
Exciting, right? That’s why we wanted to come here and say Oi/Hola/Helo, event if a few more steps are needed on the governance execution side of things for us to really start.

:bangbang:Stay put in the next weeks for updates on the next steps of the governance execution. We will also be updating here re. official communication channels, languages we will adopt, our logo, first steps and more.

Lastly: TY @CeloOrg community :heart:

We off to celebrate :space_invader:

Link to Twitter post:


Vamos Latam, Vamos! Excited to see the proposal finally pass, more excited for the work to come for Celo in Latam!


Hi everyone, this is the new account of CeLatamDAO!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter (@CeLatam) and Medium (CeLatam – Medium) to follow the progress of our community!

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