Inside my wallet it says I have won 500 CELO

I hope its ok to ask on here, I dont know where else to ask. So I though the CELO forum was the best place to start. I opened my CELO desktop wallet, to check on my staking, and I have a msg within the wallet claiming I have won 500 CELO, and to claim go to … When I go to this link its asking me to enter my secret phrase, which Ive been told is a Red Flag. I wanted to know if anyone else has had this? and if I have been lucky enough to win 500 of my no1 hold. Thankyou in advance for any help with this.

Rgds Willo

Your instincts are right - this is a scam. Never reveal your wallet recovery phrase / secret phrase to anyone.

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Tim is correct and you were also quite correct in asking us here. You can always ask us if you have any questions about this sort of thing. We also have a Discord where you can sometimes get a faster response:

Our legal team works hard to take these sites down, but they keep adding new scams so the best thing for our users to do is just to always be vigilant like you were.

Thanks @Willo for the info. Created an issue for showing a disclaimer in the UI in cases like these: