HELP : Issue using the optics bridge from Celo to Polygon

Hello all,

I tried to make a transfer using the optics bridge to transfer some ETH from CELO to polygon

Unfortunately it’s been weekds and I haven’t received any funds on the polygon side.

Can you help me please? here is the
TXN : 0x2c1b09503a2bb3a9f68f7a294407f14ec40d7ab6eb49a39ee5b58497fdb10fa4
Wallet : 0x20d60A9b4256920Dd556c0B42592CB1f355C02b1

The transfer is still stuck at (1) Dispatched (A few minutes)

I hope this message will find someone able to help me!


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Im looking into this

Did you make this transfer thru the ui?

I dont know who Quinn009 is they may be a scammer

I believe he made it with Optics V2 (

Hello Aaron and TQT

Thank you for the help.

I believe I did it with Optics V2 but when I want to follow it though “Transaction Details” it only display something with Bridges By Optics

Transaction is still at the dispatched stage.

Ive been able to see that it was included. still working on this.

TMI: optimizing queries over the event logs

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TQT found the solution!