[DRAFT] Creation of the Celo Delegate Program

Hi Juan!

  1. After @martinvol’s comment, I think the best way (which I will validate if possible today) is to lock and delegate from the Celo Community Treasury natively. Hence, we do not need any group to lead the admin anymore!
  2. Agreed that longer discussion stages could be helpful. In most cases, 14-15 days seems like a healthy minimum.
  3. 5M delegates would equal about 24% of the current CELO in the Community Treasury. However, your point does bring up the relevance of completing the Mento Reserve: Returning Celo to increase the number of CELO under community control, ideally before CEL2 launches. After completing the six tranches for the 10m cUSD, Mento still has 82,406,987 CELO to be returned to the Celo Community Treasury. I suggest starting a conversation about the timeline and process to complete this transfer soon!