Introducing Celo Mondo

gm Celo Community!

We are excited to introduce Celo Mondo, an easy-to-use frontend for Celo’s core smart contracts. Whether you want to lock your CELO to secure the network and earn rewards, participate in governance, delegate voting power, or bridge assets, Celo Mondo provides a simple way to achieve that.

What is Celo Mondo?

Celo Mondo is a frontend for core actions on the Celo protocol, which was developed by the community. Specifically, Mondo lets you lock your CELO to help secure the Celo network and earn rewards, lets you participate in Celo governance proposals or delegate your voting power to knowledgeable people in the Celo ecosystem to participate on your behalf. Finally, it offers convenient links to various bridge protocols serving the Celo ecosystem.

Key Features


Celo’s proof of stake consensus protocol secures the network today, and will eventually secure a decentralized sequencer after Celo’s L2 transition. Users can lock their CELO and stake it to individual validators to help secure the network and earn rewards. Since rewards are correlated with future and past validator performance, users will want to pick a validator that they trust and that provides good uptime, as.


Celo uses full on-chain governance to upgrade system smart contracts and to spend funds stored in the Celo Community Fund. Once a user has locked CELO, they can participate in governance including upvoting which governance proposals they would like to see voted on. Once a proposal has received enough upvotes, it will progress to the referendum stage, when users can vote in favor, against, or abstain. Proposals need a minimum amount of participation to pass, so getting involved matters!


If you would rather delegate your voting power to a third party, the delegation tab can help you find people or entities to delegate to, who will be able to vote on governance proposals with your voting weight on your behalf. You can always revoke your voting power if you are unhappy with your delegate.


Multiple bridge protocols service the Celo ecosystem today, including Wormhole and Axelar as well as the soon to launch native L2 bridge. The bridging tab helps you find different bridge UIs that you can use to move your funds to and from the Celo network.


Celo Mondo is your go-to tool for engaging with the Celo ecosystem. Start staking, participate in governance, and explore bridging options today. Dive in, delegate your voting power, and contribute to the Celo community.

Your feedback and participation are valuable to the community. Join the conversation, share your experiences, and help us improve by leaving your comments here on the forum.

For more information and to get started, visit Celo Mondo.


I used it to stake some CELO today. Love the experience so far :clap:


Celo mondo :earth_asia: is a superior experience that’ll expand the voting audience on Celo! I’ll use it as my to go platform to stake, delegate and vote on governance proposals.

Congrats to the team!


gm Celo Community! :sunny:

I’m really excited about the launch of Celo Mondo! This tool is exactly what our community needs for easy staking, participating in governance, and delegating voting power. The user-friendly interface simplifies the process of locking Celo, selecting validators, and engaging in on-chain governance.

Key features like the delegation tab, which allows users to delegate their voting power, and the bridging options with protocols like Wormhole and Squidrouter, are fantastic additions. These functionalities will undoubtedly enhance user engagement and streamline interactions within the Celo ecosystem.

Looking forward to seeing the positive impact Celo Mondo will have on our community!

Best, :raised_hands:


Thanks for realizing Celo Mondo! This is a big step indeed. IMHO the next step is to kickstart a healthy delegator ecosystem - I’m drafting some ideas how we could do this and will share this on the forum soon!


Congratulations to the entire Celo community on this important milestone .

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What is the difference between Celo Mondo and
Which is the higher Earn projected annually?
If I want to stake my celo, which one should I choose?

Hi Kalatsong

The briefest answer is that when you “stake” on Celo Mondo your CELO is locked inside the LockCelo contract and while you receive rewards and can vote on governance proposals with it, it cannot be transffered around. Whereas on when you stake you receive and liquid erc20 token that can be traded and exchanged.

The yield should be the same but one benefit of stcelo is that if you use the default strategy then your Celo is staked across multiple validators which some could say lowers risk.


Hello Celo Community :yellow_heart:,

We are thrilled to congratulate the Celo team on the launch of Celo Mondo! :tada: This user-friendly tool is a game-changer for our community, making it easier than ever to participate and support the network. :rocket:

I’d also like to take this opportunity to invite you to delegate your staking to the ReFi Colombia Validator Group (ReFiCol4🌍). Our validator group was created by ReFi Colombia, an organization dedicated to leveraging blockchain technology to drive positive change in our communities and the environment. :seedling:

By delegating to ReFiCol4🌍, you will be directly contributing to:

  • Empowering Communities: We invest in programs that educate and engage people in the web3 world, opening new opportunities and fostering digital literacy.
  • Environmental Regeneration: Our initiatives include afforestation projects and nature walks designed to raise awareness about the importance of preserving our natural ecosystems, among other efforts.
  • Supporting Regenerative Projects: We are committed to backing projects that aim to restore and rejuvenate the environment in Colombia :colombia:.

Your support not only helps secure the Celo network but also drives meaningful social and environmental impact in Colombia :colombia:. Together, we can leverage the power of blockchain for good. :muscle: