DeFi for the People Update: October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween! Isha here from the Strategy, Research, and Innovation team at the Celo Foundation. Sharing another update on the DeFi for the People program

For context, DeFi for the People supports project launches through the following ways:

  1. Grant/liquidity incentives
  2. Security audit by the Celo Foundation
  3. Usability review and testing
  4. Co-marketing (Medium announcement, Twitter spaces, etc.)

Updates From this Month

This month we had a few major announcements:

  1. The Celo team was at at Eth Safari and Isha hosted a panel on ‘ReFi economy through DeFi in Africa’
  2. Isha also hosted a Twitter space with the Chee Finance and Clabs team to discuss stCelo integration. Listen here.

Upcoming Launches

See below for the latest anticipated launch dates below. Please note, however, that these are subject to change based on developer timeline updates, security audit feedback, and other general market conditions. We’ll keep you all updated as any items in this list change, as well as new launches.

  • Masa: November
    • Launched soulbound identity protocol on Celo Alfajores
  • Symmetric v2: September
    • Discussing stables index
    • Discussing cGreen with Climate collective
  • Chee Finance: Launched support for stCELO
  • Double: Launched on testnet
  • LayerZero: November
    • Testing on testnet
  • Axelar: November
    • Testing on testnet
  • GammaSwap: October
    • Discussing integrations
  • Neutral: December
    • Discussing partnership opportunities
  • Cred Protocol
    • Discussing partnership opportunities with Celo dapps
  • Warbler Labs (building Goldfinch):
    • Working on cross-chain collaborations with Abacus and EthicHub
  • Umoja/Emerging Impact
    • Discussed collaboration for Q4 lending pilot
  • Socialstack
    • Discussing partnership opportunities around their upcoming social campaigns
  • Untangled Finance
    • Working on acquiring anchor capital for debt investments
  • Flow Carbon: TBD (in partnership with Climate Collective)
  • DeFi Labs
    • Working on deploying on Testnet
  • Symplifi
    • Discussing partnership opportunities
  • Etherisc
    • Discussing partnership opportunities to launch micro insurance pilot

Here’s also an update on other major items:

  1. Curve launch- finalizing integration with the Curve team for November launch
  2. Aave community member is working on our risk methodology

If you are a DeFi builder who has launched on Celo or are launching soon, please reach out to discuss joining the Celo DeFi Consortium. Similarly, please reach out or comment if you have any follow up questions or concerns. I’m also available on Twitter (@ivcelol) and the Celo Discord, and happy to connect anytime. Thank you to everyone in the Celo community.

To prosperity for all,

Isha Varshney


This is a great recap.

Would love to discuss defi for the people that will be for the people. As in how we can reward all the new artist and collectors that are coming i to the ecosystem from a non blockchain background.

Thanks for these updates @Isha

Any idea whether the Curve launch will happen together with the $14M incentive program? Like originally announced last year.

We’re working on that. Incentives will be based on this proposal actually Proposal to Launch Curve on Celo - Proposals - Governance. The $14M at the time was based on Curve matching but this shifted as they moved to a DAO model. We’re discussing CRV emission incentives that various Curve ecosystem partners would drive + CRV emissions directed from the governance proposal that Marek posted.

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Excited about the LayerZero integration :star_struck:
Do we have any update on the incentives proposal for Uniswap V3?

Thanks :wink:

We are waiting on an integration from an LP management tool to be able to do this. Will post an update as soon as that comes through

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