Decentralized Oracles

Hi Celo Community,

Celo and Deutsche Telekom share, in the crypto era, a long history and partnership. Celo and its community stand for values that perfectly match Deutsche Telekom’s - which is why Deutsche Telekom decided to invest in the network in 2021 & provide its own infrastructure in the form of validators since then.

We want to contribute to the growth of the Celo ecosystem and are very excited about cLabs’ efforts to decentralize the Celo Oracle service. As a classic infrastructure provider, we would love to contribute to this effort and be included as an Oracle provider.

For this purpose, we plan to submit a proposal for your consideration for acceptance as an Oracle provider within the next 1-2 weeks. Additionally, in cooperation with cLabs, we have therefore prepared an agreement that describes the service & business conditions of an Oracle provider. Together with the Smart Contract, this document will be seen as the “contractual basis” between the Celo network & Deutsche Telekom. Maybe an unusual proposal in the crypto space, but a pioneering effort to combine classic contracting with smart contracts - we are already curious about your feedback!

But for now, we would love to hear your thoughts on Deutsche Telekom becoming an oracle provider in general!