Celo Governance Call #48 | Jun 27th, 2024

The next Governance Call #48 is scheduled for Jun 13th, 2024.

:bangbang:To add topics to the agenda, post a comment below.

Governance Call Information

Call Recording

Will be shared after the meeting in the table inside the Readme File of the Celo Governance Github Repo and in the GitHubIssue of the Call.


Made by the Celo Governance Guardians

Proposals for Discussion

Crowdsourced on the Forum prior to the meeting.
:bangbang: (Max Proposals per Call: 3 Proposals)

Other Discussions and Q&A

Open discussion and questions


All are welcome to attend!
CC: Governance Working Group (@ericnakagawa @Wade @0xGoldo @olarte)

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Hello everyone :wave: No agenda topics have been submitted. We will push this meeting to Jul 27th, 2024.

Hi there, I would like to add the Celo moderators Guild proposal for discussion on the governance call.

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Has this meeting been pushed to the 27th? I won’t be able to make tomorrow on such a short notice. It would be good to announce these meetings in advance, and ideally when at least 1 topic worth discussing is ready to move forward.

Hello @LuukDAO,

Celo Governance Calls are now scheduled biweekly (a change implemented based on your suggestion). Previously, we hosted only one call per month. These calls are held on the same day and time: Thursdays at 7:00 PT / 10:00 ET / 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CET.

The next call was initially scheduled for June 13th, but since no proposals were submitted, it has been postponed to June 27th. (I believe this provides sufficient time for proposal submissions).

For transparency, here’s the organizational flow we follow within the Celo Guardians Group for every Governance Call:

  • Schedule the call in Google Meets.
  • Open a new GitHub Issue in the Celo Governance Repository.
  • Post an announcement like this one as a new thread under the Category Governance Calls.
  • Schedule the event in Lu.ma actually migrating this process to Lemonade. (We also use Lu.ma to send invites to all past attendees of any Governance Call.)
  • Schedule the event in Discord, linking to Lu.ma for registration, actually migrating this process to Lemonade.

Additionally, the Community Moderator, including myself, usually posts an announcement in the Discord Announcements Channel, tagging @everyone.

:arrow_forward: Feel free to submit any requests for this call.


:exclamation:FYI I have added

To the agenda in the GitHub Issue following the request of @0xGoldo

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Hello! Could we please reserve some time for cLabs on the upcoming governance call?
Thank you!


Thanks for providing such a detailed explanation and streamlining the process.

I would like to carve out some time on the 27th to present the CeloPG H2 2024 Budget. If possible, we would like to present early. Thanks!


:exclamation: FYI, I have arranged the presentation order based on the requests received:

I have also added these topics to the agenda in the GitHub Issue as requested by @KateNora and @0xGoldo.

Due to @LuukDAO’s request to present early, I moved @0xGoldo to the end. Hopefully, this is fine.


:exclamation: Agenda Update. Celo Communities Guild will not present anymore tomorrow.

Here is the new schedule:

  • 20 min + 10 min Q&A for Clabs.
  • 10 min + 5 min Q&A for Mento Airdrop & Governance. (Requested in GitHub)
  • 10 min + 5 min Q&A for CeloPG H2 2024 Budget.

Location: Register on Luma or Lemonade

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