Gm Celorians
This is a follow-up on the Celo Europe DAO proposal made by Joan (Ethichub), with close input from Luuk (Kolektivo), Meltem (former Celo), Pedro (Talent Protocol)
We’ve iterated on the proposal in the past weeks to make it even more aligned with Celo community stakeholders and existing Celo growth and BD plans in Europe.
Our Approach
We believe the most effective way for the Celo Europe DAO to operate is by building on top of existing resources - working in synergy with the current Celo Ecosystem plans in Europe (such as engagement at large events) and leveraging existing networks and infrastructure from Celo native teams.
As a result, we’re proactively seeking input from Celo Ecosystem and Celo Foundation members and aim to work closely together.
This proposal aims to kick-off a Season 0 of the Celo Europe DAO, which starts in June 2023 and wraps up in December 2023, where we will test some assumptions and, in case success is achieved, we will submit a follow-up proposal for a second season.
We have identified key stakeholders we aim to engage in Europe through the Celo Europe DAO, namely:
Dapp Users: Users of applications that are built on Celo.
Investors: Companies or individuals actively allocating capital to Celo-aligned projects or actively holding and transacting tokens on the Celo Network.
Builders: Teams or individuals who are building an application or business on top of Celo.
Per region, the specific focus will be different where; for example, the activities in Nordic Countries will lean more towards (institutional) investors and builders, whereas in, for example, Turkey, the focus would be on Dapp users and builders. The focus will be determined by the regional teams and ecosystem members that will help match the right activities to the existing crowds.
Measuring Success
While our ultimate goal is to drive more on-chain activity to the Celo Network, it is hard to measure this specific outcome. As a result, we’re proposing measuring key indicators that suggest an increase in on-chain activity, including:
Attendance count to Celo Europe DAO digital and in-person events = At least 1500 unique participants
Projects participating in Celo Hackathons = At least 100 participants
Number of suitable projects referred to Celo Camp and other ecosystem programs = At least 10
We will produce a Celo Europe Ecosystem website that points interested stakeholders in the right direction, gains EU stakeholder buy-in and accelerate EU ecosystem development
- Reach of the Celo EU website = At least 5k website visitors
We’ll also set up specific website trackers for key activities. The insights of this will be shared in the final report.
We leverage the existing Crypto Conference schedule in Europe as key coordination points for our efforts - building our campaigns and initiatives around the following events in the next 7 months:
July 4th ReFi Gathering Spain:
July 5-7th EthBarcelona:
Mid-July - Organize Institutional ReFi events in Northern Europe
July 17-20 - EthCC:
30 Aug - 3 Sept - ETHWarshau:
11 Sept - 13 Sept - DAPPCONN:
End-Sept - Organize Celo EU Hackathon in Madrid
Nov 13-19 DevConnect Istanbul:
December - Gather learnings and results to present Season 0 outcomes and potentially create a proposal for Season 1
We’re requesting a total budget of €204K to run Season 0, from which only 7% will be spent on admin and operations, and the other 93% will flow directly into ecosystem initiatives. Find a detailed breakdown of the budget here.
If approved, the treasury multisig will be managed by the following members, who will also support the operations of Celo Europe DAO.
1.Joan de Ramón, Head of Growth at EthicHub
2.Pedro, Founder at Talent Protocol
3.Luuk Weber, CEO at Kolektivo Network