Hola Julian,
Thanks for your interest in supporting Celo Incuba! Our 3rd batch just concluded, and we’ll share a detailed report soon.
Stay tuned to the Celo Forum and CeLatam’s X for updates on the next batch and opportunities to contribute, including becoming an incubator mentor.
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oh HOLA!
Okay, adding Mexico to the Map
We have access to the most Web3-friendly universities in Mexico. Not only in Mexico City (25 million people), but Guadalajara (8 million people), Monterrey (6 million people) and many other Universities and technical universities where Students into Engineering.
as you may know.
Mexico has almost every L1, L2 and important protocols already in the “Mexi Territory”
We have great relationships with the people leading the next hubs:
- Ethereum
- Arbitrum
- Optimism
- Brave
- Axelar
- The Graph
- Polkadot
- Near
- Solana
- Algorand
- Avalanche
Mexico is getting a lot of traction on Web3 adoption.
We are talking to ReFi Mexico, the leading node for Regenerative Finance in Mexico. They have been doing an excellent job on onboarding and advocating for ReFi, DeSoc, SocFi, DeSoc.
If we get this snowball roll here with CELO, together with ReFi Mexico we are planning to do activation campraigns with the thier database of students interested on Web3 and Nature Impact.
Just dropping this here, and saying HOLA!! 
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