Hello Celo Validators, Node operators, and interested parties!
It is party time The Happy Hour is a chance to get to know each other within the Celo community.
The current plan for the Happy Hour is as follows:
- Regularity: Every 6 weeks on a Thursday
- Timezone: We will alternate between a time that is friendly to US/EU and Asia
And this time, we will be having the Happy Hour that is friendly to Asian time zone. See the details below:
Time: Oct 8 (Thursday) at 6pm PT / 10 am (Seoul, KST) / 9 am (Shanghai, CST)
Duration: 1 hour
Celo Signal Public Calendar: Link
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96089232963
Meeting ID: 960 8923 2963
Passcode: 334128
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aelqrQVZFA
Tentative Agenda
- Meet and Greet: 10 min
- Icebreakers & Get to know each other: 25 min
- Community Announcements: 5-10 min
- Discussion Topic: 15 min
If you have any suggestions or recommendations for the topics, please reply to this email or post something on Discord. You can also provide direct input on how to run these meetings by commenting on this Google Doc - Validator Happy Hour