Regenerative AI Agent Launchpad by ReFi Starter

ReFi Starter is looking to implement and accelerate the development of AI Agent Launchpad on CEL2

Every Blockchain is launching its launchpad for Agents, we have been building innovations and ready to launch ReFi Starter on CEL2.

Our agents are getting trained and educated in specific topics.

One of our agents is already minting thousands of new coins on test net, directly from commands on the mobile phone.

We are implementing and aggregating several SKD, APi and integration that would enable the Agents to be utilized by others individuals or projects, for them to have the support of our agents.

Let us know where should we apply for a grant.

We take in consideration Virtuals, Cookie, Daos, Pump Science, and many other who has been part of our research.

We are preparing an Agent for Celo Ecosystem.

Please reach our it you want to contribute, collaborate and build agents together.

Join our community to training and build Regenerative AI Agents.

Regenerative AI Agent Community


Very nice! We are on the same track building an AI Agent for auditing sustainable waste treatment reports together with AWS. It would be great to join forces! :slight_smile:


I’m thrilled about this opportunity!


Excellent, let’s sync and see how can we bring awareness to both projects.

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you are welcome to contribute

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Hello! Angelo here from Celo Foundation - this is an interesting initiative and would love to learn more. How can we chat with the team?


Thanks for your message, we aare taking calls through the calendly:

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@Angelo.Kalaw for real ser?

wen call?

We are looking to accelerate the development. Waiting for your iteration.

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