Draft - Celo Ai Bot

Author: Celo Ai
Funding request : 30,000$
Aligned Public Goods Bucket: Celo Grants and Requests For Proposals

This proposal seeks to secure funding (30,000$) to build an AI bot that will serve users and developers and make it easier for them to involve them in the Celo ecosystem.


  • The bot will help in onboarding new users and developers, as it will serve as an educational portal for them and through it they will be able to be involved in the Celo ecosystem.
  • Presence on a popular platform like Telegram increases Celo’s ​​visibility and awareness among cryptocurrency users and communities.
  • The bot will facilitate the user interaction process
  • Direct engagement with users through the bot helps build a loyal and active community, which is essential for the network’s growth and sustainability.
  • Contribute to the growth of the Celo ecosystem by creating tools and services that enhance the network’s usability and appeal.

The bot will contains:

  • A user knowledge portal about Celo and all its dApps.
  • Developer knowledge portal about Celo.
  • Detect transaction status and live tracking.
  • Balance wallet checks.
  • Token Information
  • Provide information about validators and staking.
  • Talking to the bot about Celo in real-time.

Timeline and milestones
The work will be divided into 4 phases:

Phase 1 (completed)

  • Collect information and initial bot training
  • Basic information about Celo
  • Issuing a demo version

Phase 2 - approx. 2-3 weeks

  • A user knowledge portal about Celo and all its dApps (Information, guides)
  • Developer knowledge portal about Celo (Information, guides)

Phase 3 - approx. 2-3 weeks

  • Detect transaction status and live tracking.
  • Balance wallet checks.

Phase 4 - approx. 3-4 weeks

  • Token Information
  • Provide information about validators and staking.
  • Talking to the bot about Celo.

Metrics and KPIs:

  • Number of members that will use the bot.
  • Members will get a very quick and automatic response to their queries.
  • Members will get a “How to” guide to help them.
  • Report on the number of members and frequently asked questions

Current status Try the demo now: Telegram: Contact @CeloAiBot

Payment Terms
$30,000, divided into 4 phases.

  • 3000$ for phase 1 (to be paid directly if approved)
  • 9000$ for each phase (2, 3 and 4)

Our development team has extensive experience in the field of software and bot industry.
You can see some previous works:
https:// bit.ly/3KkRQim
https:// bit.ly/4ay83LT
https:// bit.ly/3WWfycc

It is worth noting that the grant will be paid only when each phase is completed, as everyone will have the opportunity to see the work, test it, and then pay the grant, this guarantees the quality of the work.
We have already finished the first phase, and the bot can be tested by everyone.
Looking forward for your comments.


Hey @CeloAi thanks for your time drafting again the proposal using the right template format.

With the latest news about the new CeloPG H2 budget proposal the Celo Grants and Requests for proposals bucket will be manager entirely by Prezenti.

For this reason, I belive is better for this initiative to wait for the CeloPg H2 approval and submit your request of funding directly to Prezenti once they open their submission again.

Please @LuukDAO correct me here if I am communicating something wrong.
