[Proposal] ReFi DAO x Celo - Onboarding the next generation of talent and capital

Great proposal @climateXcrypto - the team here at Glo Dollar is stoked to see two of our favorite initiatives come together like this!

Coincidentally Glo Dollar is about to become available on Celo, which got me thinking…: If we might be so bold, we’d like to propose that some (or all) of the 267k cEUR be disbursed in Glo Dollars. Glo Dollar is a fully-backed stablecoin pegged to the dollar that generates basic income payments for people in extreme poverty — so extremely concordant with Celo’s and ReFi DAO’s goals. Our thinking is that we can accomplish all the goals that John lays out here and simultaneously help lift people out of extreme poverty.

P.S. Davos for ReFi sounds awesome — count us in :+1:


Hey Garm!

Huge fans of USDGLO and the work you guys are doing! I think this one needs to be denominated in CELO as that’s what’s available in the community fund at this stage, but as far as I understand you could always submit a separate proposal about diversifying the community fund to include USDGLO!

I’m new to the forum but everyone here has been super helpful and the cross-pollinations emerging are really encouraging.

Would be awesome to hav Glo Dollar at the Davos for ReFi! Will drop Jasper a message with the partnerships deck.


Sure thing, my CELO signing address is: 0xCaD3887923B39cD2b0B6d13538C4ecB7C5EE9825


Thanks for this @juanjgiraldoc, here is my CELO signing address: 0x59DDA36bD196Ec849838CE2163E6821f946b37Dc


Thanks @juanjgiraldoc

here is my Celo signing address: 0x7F2053A876Cb053d8BB122Bde961F6ec5Fb6fFc5

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Hey Garm!
Happy to see Glo Dollar here adn many thaks fro the support!
I’ve been talking to Bram about a partnership between Glo and ReFi DAO - let’s see if we can make something happen in the next weeks :wink:



Sure! This is my CELO signing address: 0x8948CDFd9bA1521ED043cd56fB4907a03975c441


celo signing address: 0xDA47bdcC48f26FB4709f90316341D9104cB1fb89


And the proposal is LIVE! Got four strong 'Yes’s to start, help us keep up the momentum!

Your vote would be sincerely appreciated: ReFi DAO x Celo


Hey John!

You’re absolutely right - I had missed the note by Juan on how there is only CELO in the community fund at the moment :sweat_smile:

Good note on submitting separate proposal(s) to diversify stablecoin holdings, we’ll get cracking on that as soon as we’re formally available on Celo Uniswap! In the mean time I’m very happy to see the proposal getting four yesses out of the gate, looking forward to it getting accepted :smiley:

@ricaax I can’t wait for a Glo and ReFi DAO partnership to materialize - let me know if I can help somehow.


Thanks a lot for your comment @juanjgiraldoc !

Here is my wallet address > 0xC7Bf34CF2C5FFBAEb9f8Ff79F9535F6123da34DF


This is a great proposal, which will, spread the reach of ReFi and onboard many more new individuals into the space and into the CELO ecosystem.

I can’t wait to see this proposal passed.


Thank you Ben! We appreciate the support!

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Thanks everyone in the ReFiDAO Multisign for posting your address.
I just leave here the link to the proposal for voting:

I have nothing, but great things to say about the ReFi DAO team :slight_smile: They’re great connectors, people, and leaders in the space. IMO, there’s no better group to solve global coordination within ReFi and move the space forward as a whole.

-Niko, Ecosapiens


Thanks so much for your support Niko! Grateful to be contributing to this movement alongside such brilliant community builders like yourself!