Mainnet (& Alfajores) Gingerbread Hard Fork Release: Sep 26, ~17:00 UTC

Dear Validator Community,

  1. The Gingerbread Hard Fork is proposed on Mainnet for block #21616000 targeting an activation around Sep 26, ~17:15 UTC
  2. The Gingerbread Hard Fork is proposed on Alfajores for block #19814000 targeting an activation around Sep 11, ~17:30 UTC
  3. Validators, if you agree with this hard fork, please upgrade both your validator nodes and proxies to v1.8.0 (see github for release)

For more details on the changes introduced with this hard fork, please refer to the original hard fork announcement on the forum .

Once upgraded, please let us know via this 3 question form.

Thanks to all the validators for their support of the Celo network! The best place to go for updates and questions is the validators-operators Discord channel!

matt for the blockchain team