[DRAFT] Creation of the Celo Delegate Program

As @Thylacine mentioned, I cannot speak for other Celo Governance Guardians, but from my perspective and based on my experience, as well as the plans we are considering within the Governance Guild, I believe we would certainly be willing to take on this responsibility, given the alignment with our roles and activities.

I think that with @Wade, @0xGoldo, and the involvement of some Governance Approvers, the management and delegation of these funds could be handled smoothly.

That said, it’s important to approach this with the right level of care. Celo has been in development for over four years, and decisions like these deserve thoughtful consideration. Since not everyone checks the forum daily, it might be beneficial to allow a reasonable period for discussion. This proposal was posted just five days ago, so there might be value in taking a bit more time.

Perhaps proposals like this could remain open for discussion and initial feedback for at least fifteen (15) calendar days, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to weigh in.

One thing that crossed my mind is the potential impact on the Celo Community Fund’s balance, which would be reduced by more than 50%. While I understand this is about delegation and won’t affect the price since the CELO tokens aren’t being sold, it’s worth considering how this significant reallocation of community funds fits into our broader strategy—especially in light of the recent approval of the Celo PG H2 proposal, which involved around $1 million.

Additionally, I think it’s important to consider feedback from the community. My approach to a delegation program would focus on allowing anyone to propose themselves as a delegate in Celo Mondo, with the community then delegating their votes to whomever they choose.

The amount of votes each person receives from the community could serve as an indicator or signal for deciding to whom the delegation proposed in this initiative should be granted.