[DRAFT] Celo Communities Guild (2024 H2 Budget)

Hi @LuukDAO

Regarding the issue with my forum display/profile picture, I have changed and updated to a new one that shows my real face. Thanks!


Hi all,

I saw Farcaster come up in quite a few comments here. From the marketing team at Celo, we are dedicating focus to growing Celo’s farcaster account (@celo). Right now, much of our content is around Celosphere Summer (NFT mints), but we are planning to work on initiatives targeting developers (such as, pool of cUSDT or $REGEN distributed among builders who share what they are building on Celo), tipping engagement on the /celo channel, highlighting focunders/ecosystem projects, etc.

We are open to more ideas for content and boosting engagement, as we are still in the very early stages. Still waiting for the /celo and /celosphere channels to be carried over to the @celo account which will allow people to post.


@LuukDAO I really don’t understand why we are now incubated in the CeloPG H2 budget proposal :upside_down_face:

Maybe there was a misunderstanding, but the intention from the beginning was to submit to the Celo Grants and Requests For Proposals bucket. I was of the idea that we were advised to wait for the CeloPG H2 budget approval to then submit the proposal into the Celo Grants and Requests For Proposals bucket for the period of July - Dec (6 months).

I echo the words of @Wade here:

One of the main motives for this proposal was to decentralize operations to potentially create a more autonomous future for the Celo moderators and community.

I empathize with the need to separate different initiatives that have different scopes to guarantee the necessary degree of autonomy and decentralization.

May I ask you to give us more details about these numbers:

I understand this doesn’t include the extra moderator seat, I don’t understand how you ended up with this budget.

Thanks for all the clarifications.


Thanks a lot for the input @Chelsea.

Regarding our role as moderators in relation to Farcaster how do you see us?

I was thinking that (at least initially) we could be present in the Celo channel, engaging with the posters, moderating/checking the content in it and from time to time post from our personal channels.

What do you think?


This is an awesome proposal. The budgeting looks great.


Hi @0xGoldo,

The CeloPG H2 draft submitted provides a potential path forward, shaped after posts (such as yours) and dozens of conversations with different stakeholders since Berlin. However, it’s just a draft, and everything is still open for input and changes.

While I agree autonomy and decentralization are essential elements of an onchain organization, there is a significant risk related to having no structure at all. Having operated in DAOs for 4+ years, I can give numerous examples of where additional structuring of responsibilities and alignment of groups have increased information symmetry and collective accountability. Tally wrote a great article about this!

With CeloPG, we’ve started creating onchain roles via Hats to create an overview and system for measuring (accounting and tracking) all onchain roles, and with events like Celo Gather, CeloRPGF0, and bringing back Kuneco, we aim to increase the alignment and collaboration between the Celo Ecosystem.

I firmly believe that moving closer to each other in terms of collaboration, information sharing, and accountability is better than each group moving alone. This will, of course, go both ways, as having you closer also means you can give more input and feedback on the other CeloPG initiatives, and we can keep each other accountable.

On the budget
Without additional information on workload and current data provided by you, I estimated the workload based on the tasks you described and spoke with some other ecosystems about their moderation rewards.

I reviewed the current activity in Celo Discord and Telegram, and in both cases, the main engagement is simple questions and basic support tickets. Many channels are not active anymore and there are days with little to no organic engagement. While it’s important to provide answers to new and existing users, a budget of 10k a month is too large for that activity.

I’ve personally worked with excellent and experienced moderators who charged anywhere from 1-2k a month and ran an active community with programs and activities that significantly increased the inflow and activity.

As such, we budgeted 27K USD + 15K CELO for six months of Community Moderation, which translates to 4.5K USD + 2.5K CELO per month. I am happy to receive more information from you about the estimated workload, and if my estimations are off, I am open to discussing increasing the budget.

Although I don’t think it’s the better way forward, you’re in your right to progress independently and not continue engaging in this process. But I hope you return with data and an updated plan based on this engagement.


Completely agree.

In the Discord general channel, the average number of daily questions is generally less than ten, and community activities and discussions are at a low level. There is almost no activity in the channels for different languages.

However, the moderator team is excellent, and evaluating workload based on community activity seems reasonable


I wanted to share my thoughts on this proposal. I believe it’s crucial for advancing the Celo Community and the entire Celo Ecosystem.

Since joining the Celo Community in late 2021, having someone guide me through the various Dapps in the Celo Ecosystem has been incredibly important. The Moderators have played a key role in helping me learn about the ecosystem, understand what Celo offers, and how to access it.

The three Celo Moderators, @0xj4an-work, @Anthony, and @0xGoldo, are pivotal community members. They are highly active across all Celo Community Social Media Channels, including Discord and Telegram (I personally don’t use Reddit much). Their engagement extends to the Celo Forum and Twitter as well. They have all contributed and engaged significantly to the Celo Ecosystem Dapps since I first joined, and their efforts have been invaluable. I truly appreciate their work. :slightly_smiling_face:


Dodging The Tyranny of Structurelessness in DAOs’ - inspiring read! In particular the Optimism Collective’s structure and governance.

“It is the responsibility of this initially centralized entity to create formally structured governance, with explicit rules and processes. Theoretically, the absence of a formal structure could result in the emergence of informal structures, which could result in the formation of covert groups of elites, toxicity on discussion forums, “bread and circuses” type patterns of rewarding low-value work, and so on and so forth until the DAO completely breaks down.”

Lot’s to learn from Optimism when thinking about the evolution of Celo… Hopefully CeloPG can continue being a testing ground towards an evolved and more effective Celo Community Fund / DAO. Making tight budgetary decisions with the collective input and interests of the community seems a crucial part of this. Hope to see an aligned path forward here with Celo Communities Guild as opposed to fragmentation!


Hey everyone,

I fully support this proposal. You guys have done an outstanding job in welcoming newcomers to Celo and providing them with valuable guidance. Your support has been instrumental in addressing questions and clarifying changes within the Celo ecosystem. Whenever something new happens in Celo, I know I can count on you for the most up-to-date information on all the latest initiatives and changes.

I also want to commend you for your diligent efforts in protecting us from spams and scams, which are all too common in web3.

Your willingness to explore new social platforms like Farcaster / Lemonade is greatly appreciated. Experimenting with these shows your commitment to staying ahead of the curve and engaging with the community in new ways. Thank you for experimenting and exploring this :slight_smile:

Some suggestions on the proposal:

  • Metrics: It could be beneficial if you could share regular updates on social presence and activity within the Celo community. This could include metrics such as the number of messages, active users, and perhaps the top 5 active topics or keywords. These insights would help us understand how the community is evolving and could inspire new initiatives to attract and engage more participants.

  • Updates: Consider sharing a monthly or bi-weekly video highlight of what’s happening in Celo on platforms like YouTube and Twitter. Given your comprehensive knowledge of current events within the ecosystem, these updates would serve as a valuable resource for the community to stay informed and engaged. Between new projects, projects updates, governance proposals and events, there’s always something happening in Celo!

Overall, I fully support this proposal and thank you for your dedication and hard work in making Celo a thriving community.



I support this, and really thanks to the people’s efforts in this proposal. But I’m wondering how they calculate 40 hours per week needed, because it’s same with the time of full time job.


Totally agree with this. The budgeting looks really fair and I really appreciate the work put in by the 3 moderators as mission aligned members of the community and having previously worked with Juan, Antony, Daniel and Lorenzo.

I also like the idea of a working group within a DAO as mentioned by Wade.

Regarding the point of lesser activity on regional channels - I also think that the region specific channels should have more updates from the regional DAO leads on the Celo discord, who can work closely with moderator working group to foster more activity across regional communities in the ecosystem, in the form of announcements, and community activities.

I have seen successful working examples with the Aptos regional communities in Asia, India, Indonesia and Africa, who are more vocal about their community initiatives on the main discord server, where their work is widely visible within the same community, in addition to having separate telegram groups. I think a working group for the moderators would be a fantastic way to go ahead and foster more activity across various communities via Discord, Telegram, Farcaster, and many engaging platforms.


Hi Luuk,

Thank you for your detailed feedback and insights. The article you shared was indeed very interesting, and I appreciate the emphasis on collaboration, alignment, and structured responsibility within the Celo ecosystem. I will now address your points regarding budget and workload.

1. Budget Justification:

Understanding the Cost Structure:

  • Lead Moderator and PM: 3,000 cUSD per month

  • Security Moderator: 2,500 cUSD per month

  • Community Engagement Moderator: 2,000 cUSD per month

  • Potential Extra Moderator Seat: Planned but contingent on increased activity

  • Community Incentives: 500 Celo per month

  • Tool Subscriptions: HashBot (1,000 cUSD) and ComBot (800 cUSD)

Total monthly budget: 7,500 cUSD + 500 Celo (Extra seat and Tool Subscriptions excluded).

Activity Justification:

  • Moderation Tasks: While current engagement levels might appear low, the proactive role of moderators in community building, engagement activities, and security cannot be understated. Additionally, the cyclical nature of community engagement, especially in Web3, means that periods of low activity can quickly shift to high engagement due to external factors like market conditions or new developments. The first 3 months of this year we saw an increased amount of activity due to the rise in price of Altcoins across the board. The last 3 months activity plummet with the price decrease. Our roles (that in the Web2 world might be comparable to the Customer Support Agent) revolves more around keeping a low response time to community questions/inquiries, and safeguard the safety by avoiding they get scammed by malicious actors, solve any problem by a community member as fast as possible and report on incidents, bugs, sentiment not only regarding Celo but also regarding the most important ecosystem projects.

  • Event Management and Content Creation: Regular events and content creation are planned to boost engagement and interaction. This includes bi-weekly Community hangouts on Discord and the use of tools like Minttoast.xyz to facilitate community bonding. We would also like to expand further activities using learn2earn platforms that aims to reward users who complete quests that includes joining Discord & Telegram with NFTs, POAPs and potentially Celo.

  • Security Management: Continuous monitoring and responding to security threats is a full-time job, especially in a space full of malicious actors like Web3. This role requires specialized skills and constant vigilance.

2. Workload and Data Insights:

Moderation Workload:

  • Lead Moderator and PM: Involves strategic oversight, regular reporting, coordination with the foundation when a matter needs to be escalated, organizing the by-weekly coordination calls, planning and executions of new activities to keep the community engaged, plus all the task of the community moderator.

  • Security Moderator: Focuses on threat detection, incident management, security setup of all the platforms, regular revisions or the roles and permissions and community education on security practices plus all the task of the community moderator.

  • Community Moderator: Responsible for daily interactions, content propagations, attending events, and maintaining a vibrant community atmosphere.

Additionally, moderators work tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring the safety and security of our community across different time zones, providing 24/7 availability, covering weekends 365 days per year (this also to answer @celodaily comment). This extensive behind-the-scenes work includes managing security bots, preventing scams, and contributing to multiple servers beyond the Celo server without additional compensation.

The remuneration reflects the current standards set by the Celo Foundation, except for the Lead Moderator PM and Security Moderator role, which requires additional responsibilities.

Moderators also are presents in regional community Channels and always keep and eye on them and help answering questions, you can check their activity in Telegram: Contact @CeloAfrica, Telegram: Contact @Celo_Korea, Telegram: Contact @CeloEspanol, Telegram: Contact @celocol, Telegram: Contact @Celo_Italy, Telegram: Contact @celoaustralia, Telegram: Contact @celo_india and happy to join other missing channels

Another example, @0xj4an-work contributes to the ImpactMarket Discord and keeps it clean of spam. He also contributes to the Optics Server by addressing issues and concerns about the cETH migration and bridging. Additionally, he answers questions in the Valora Server and jumps into multiple servers to solve issues that users have, which may belong to other partners or providers.

Current Data:

While some channels may appear less active, the role of moderators in keeping these channels spam-free and welcoming is crucial. We have seen fluctuations in activity and anticipate potential spikes with upcoming initiatives and market changes.

Discord disclaimer: Only data from the last 120 are available for our server.

The sudden decrease on the chart was due to a purge of inactive users.


Actions includes: Message Deleted by Admin, Message Edited, Member Banned, Member Restricted.


Revised Budget Plan:

We appreciate your constructive feedback. Based on the additional data, we are open to revisiting the budget allocation to ensure it is both effective and efficient. We will consider your suggestions and aim for a balanced approach that meets the community’s needs without overextending resources. Our goal remains to ensure that the Celo community is vibrant, safe, and well-supported. We still are not 100% convinced on being inside the CeloPG scope at this moment and I still have a few questions regarding governance, structure and hats, that will be better to address under the CeloPG H2 Budget forum post.



Thanks for returning with such a detailed overview of stats and an updated budget!

The concrete examples of support you gave add a lot of value. I feel much better about this proposal now and would love to carve out a budget in this direction in the CeloPG H2 budget. Will leave more comments on the thread there!


After extensive and productive discussions with Celo stakeholders and in particular with @LuukDAO and the CeloPG team, we agreed that the best path forward for this initiative is to be included in the CeloPG H2 Budget.

The budget for the Moderators operations in H2 2024 will be 45,000 cUSD + 1,500 Celo.
The 45k cUSD will cover the remuneration of 3 moderators for the 6 months period and the 1.5k Celo will be all used for community incentives such a contest, quest and giveaways.

Thanks a lot to everyone who looked at our proposal and left a comment.
It was amazing to see a lot of buzz around it! :yellow_heart: