Hello there.
May I ask a question.
Is it possible to change these [governance parameters](May I ask. Is it possible to change these parameters? celo-monorepo/packages/protocol/governanceConstitution.js at 24c1b65cb3afafc5ff8df767d828aa8b95b702fd · celo-org/celo-monorepo · GitHub)?
Hi @demo
Sorry for the late reply here. Yes, it is possible and has been done many times previously. Here is some reference material:
an example of a proposal changing some of the parameters: governance/CGPs/cgp-0042.md at ddf636c780b62d2e55d9cc7168212a85a8d7d0ef · celo-org/governance · GitHub
reference to this type of proposal in the governance docs: governance/Types of Celo Governance Proposals.md at ddf636c780b62d2e55d9cc7168212a85a8d7d0ef · celo-org/governance · GitHub
Hope this helps