Celo Governance Call #59 | February 6th, 2025

The next Governance Call #59 is scheduled for Feb 6th, 2025.

:bangbang:To add topics to the agenda, post a comment below.

Governance Call Information

Call Recording

Will be shared after the meeting in the table inside the Readme File of the Celo Governance Github Repo and in the GitHub Issue of the Call .


Made by the Celo Governance Guardians

Proposals for Discussion

Crowdsourced on the Forum prior to the meeting.
:bangbang: (Max Proposals per Call: 3 Proposals)

Other Discussions and Q&A

Open discussion and questions


All are welcome to attend!
CC: Governance Working Group (@0xj4an-work @Wade @0xGoldo @ericnakagawa @annaalexa)


:exclamation:FYI We have added

To the agenda in the GitHub Issue following the past request for Gov Call 58 of @MichaelKwan


Hello we would love to present our proposal in the next call :pray:



I’d like to present CGP #154 “Increase minimum gas threshold to 25000000000 gwei” governance/CGPs/cgp-0145.md at main · celo-org/governance · GitHub


Protocol observe net worth in celo involve

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:exclamation:FYI We have added

To the agenda in the GitHub Issue following the request of @celocommunities

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Hello @martinvol,

Has this proposal been posted on the forum and presented in a Governance Call?

If not, please follow the Current Celo Governance Overview & Procedures and create a forum post using the formats described in Formats for Celo Governance & CeloPG Proposals.

You can find the specific Celo Governance Proposal Format here :arrow_right: Celo Governance Format.

Once posted, please leave the proposal up for at least seven days to allow the community to review it, provide feedback, or raise any concerns. After this period, the proposal can be presented in a Governance Call.


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Yes, it was posted in the forum here.

It has not presented in a call yet, that’s why I’m making this post.

It was posted two days ago, so by the time the call arrives next week it’d have been more than one week.

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Ok, sorry we didn’t know what was the post related to the proposal. Thanks for the answer. But Still, please try to edit your post and allign it to the format we are using for any Governance Proposal.

Assuming you will edit your post to fit the format we are scheduling your proposal for the next Governance Call:

You can also find it in the GitHub Issue following the request of @martinvol

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:bangbang: The agenda is now closed

Here’s the order of presentations:

:date: Meeting Details:

Don’t forget to mark your calendar and register on Lemonade :lemon:

Looking forward to seeing you all there! Bring your thoughts and feedback on the proposals. :rocket:

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Just updated the post.