Celatam at Celo Gather 2024

Hello everyone!

On May 24th, CeLatam joined the global Celo community for a vibrant event in Berlin: Celo Gather, organized by Celo Europe. This vibrant gathering was a golden opportunity to immerse ourselves in insightful talks, project updates, and networking. Picture a joyful reunion of friends, brimming with excitement and innovation! Our dynamic duo, Camila Rioja and Susanne Zarpellon, proudly represented CeLatam with the following objectives:

  • Expand knowledge of CeLatam’s Season 0
  • Launch our Theory of Change and ask for feedback from the Celo community
  • Announce two new key initiatives: Meet Up Grants and Research Open Call

If you attended, you probably grabbed a copy of CeLatam’s Season 0 Report and our Theory of Change. Both are available online, and we’re eager to hear your feedback.

Camila Rioja took the stage with a keynote offering a compelling overview of CeLatam’s vision, achievements, and exciting plans for the future, going through the highlights of both documents. Her message was clear: building openly with community participation is vital. During her talk, Camila also announced the Meet Up Grants and Research Open Call programs, and we are proud to share that we achieved around 20 applications in the first few days after the launch.

The energy continued with an enlightening panel led by Camila Rioja, featuring Alon Shavit from Upright/Celo Camp, Maria Alegre from Flori Ventures, and Pedro Oliveira from Talent Protocol. The panel explored how to accelerate talent and potential worldwide, leaving attendees inspired and buzzing with new ideas.

Our time off-stage was just as impactful. We forged meaningful connections with both OG Celo founders and enthusiastic newcomers, identifying synergies and opportunities to bolster the Latin American ecosystem.

Exciting Partnerships Brewing - More information coming soon:

  • Celo Camp: We are joining forces with the Upright team and other Celo regional DAOs on the program StartUp Pathway.
  • Talent Protocol: In a move to honor and incentivize our Celo Incuba alumni, we’re launching an exclusive NFT collection, followed by an airdrop. This initiative is designed to celebrate their journey and fuel their continued growth as builders.

Get in touch with our team at talk@celatam.org to explore potential collaborations :jigsaw:

Leaving Celo Gather, our motivation is through the roof. The future of the Celo Ecosystem looks bright, and we’re more committed than ever to delivering great value to builders in Latin America.

Join us on this thrilling journey and stay connected for more exciting updates!


Really excited to run some Universal Builder Income experiments with Incuba / CeLatam :raised_hands:

Let’s do this! :fire:


What a good time! I loved to connect with the community and spread the word about CeLatam! :star_struck:

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excited for more growth and continued connections between Upright and CeLatam!

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