We recently realized that the AttestationsProxy has at the time of writing 65k of cUSD which would be claimable by those who ran the ASv1 service.
If you need to check your pending amount, I the easiest way is to use an explorer: AttestationsProxy (0xdC553892cdeeeD9f575aa0FBA099e5847fd88D20) - Celo Explorer
Go down to pendingWithdrawals, enter: 0x765DE816845861e75A25fCA122bb6898B8B1282a in the first field and [your validator address or address authorized for attestations] in the second field.
to actually claim the tokens
celocli identity:withdraw-attestation-rewards
– Aaron
What was the period of time where these rewards were active? I used multiple attestation signers over the years and it would help for me to go back in time and know which ones were used if possible.
These were the fees paid per attestation. Each one was very small but any key that signed attestations should have accumulated some tokens.
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As a followup the critical dates here are July 2020 to November 2022
Especially large number of transactions occurred From April 2021 to May 2021, so its possible that those who were operating a validator + attestation at that time are most likely to have a larger balance.